Chapter 2

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*In the blue forest*

As me and my mother are walking, i hear someone calling my name so i turn around stopping my mother. I look behind me finding no one. My mom looks at me weird.

L: What's wrong?

You: Nothing...nothing don't worry mom, let's keep going

I smile at her and we keep walking. After some time, again someone calls my name and i turn around seeing no one but the trees. What the fuck is going on?

L: Ravenna, you're scaring me. Why are you turning around and looking behind you? Is like you're trying to find someone

You: No i...i...

L: You?

You: Nothing, is nothing important mom 

L: Well then, stop turning around

I nod and we start walking again. 

*After the walk*

We get inside the school and the guards take us to our room. Exactly, me and mom don't share a room but they're so close that we can almost see eachother trought the window. I go inside of my room trying to relax myself while i cuddle with Joker. He's still with me fortunately. I am so attached to him that if anything happens, i think i would die for grief. I chuckle at my own thoguth and then, i take a book and start reading a bit. 

*Time skip, again*

I look at the watch and see that is almost lunch time. I get out of bed and start walking towards the lunch room where everyone is. I can see my mother at the table with the other teachers and Dovey. I smile at her and she says "hi" to me. I sit alone since i don't want to be disturbed by anyone. 

Some guards give us the launch and we start eating. As i look around i see that the princes are missing and that the princess are looking around excited for something. After some time i can hear the sharpening of a sword and all the princes come in fighting against eachother. I can see some of them struggling with the sword while other are using it as a wand. Pathethic. I look at my mother seeing her looking at me. I laugh at the boys. 

As the keep going on with their little show, just as the year before, Tedros burst into the room and start fighting all of them. Since the school are united, we can fight eachother in the lunch room and no one can say anything. He starts walking like he's in a tv series. I just laugh at his attitude. Then, an idea comes into my mind and i look at my mother my an evil smile on my face. I can hear her voice in my head.

L: What are you going to do?

You: You'll see 

I wink at her before standing up going towards Tedros. He looks at me chuckling. 

T: Well, what do you need Ravenna?

You: Since you think you're in a tv show, let's give it some action. Don't we? Some real action

I smirk evily and then, he takes out his sword and comes up to me.

T: I don't want to hurt you but, if you insist

He smiles at me and tries to hit me with his sword. I dodge it and we satrt figthing. He keeps trowing punches at me but i dodge them all. He then starts to kick me in the stomach and at first, he trowed me on the ground but then i got up and i started to punch him in the face, making is noose bleed. Weird that he hasn't picked his sword yet. Usually he wouldn't fight without it. Guess he thinks i'm weak. I summon my fire and start trwoing fire balls at him. One of them hits him in the chest, making his shirt go on fire. I laugh maniacally. 

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