Chapter 11

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The nights had become a battleground, where sleep offered no solace, only torment. Nightmares plagued me relentlessly, visions of ruling the world with an iron fist, reveling in my own malevolence. I would wake up drenched in sweat, my heart pounding, my mind haunted by the darkness that had seeped into my dreams.

The next day arrived like a bleak fog, suffocating and heavy. I dragged myself out of bed, feeling like a hollow shell of who I used to be. The exhaustion clung to me like a second skin, draining my energy and clouding my thoughts. But I kept it all to myself, unwilling to burden anyone else with my struggles.

I made my way to class, attempting to blend in as if everything was normal. But it was anything but. At lunchtime, a group of guys approached me, their jeering laughter echoing in my ears. My powers, usually at my command, remained stubbornly unresponsive. I stood there, vulnerable and defenseless as their taunts and insults grew louder.

In that moment, my mother appeared like a guardian angel, sensing my distress. She swiftly intervened, taking me to the medbay where I could rest and recover. Two days passed in a blur, my body weak, my mind clouded with a mix of fatigue and despair.

On the third day, as I slowly regained my strength, my mother approached me with a mix of concern and disappointment in her eyes. She asked me why I had not fought back against those who sought to harm me. Her words stung like salt in a wound, piercing through the layers of my already fragile self-esteem.

"You are weak and powerless," she declared, her voice laced with a bitterness I had never heard before. "You deserved what they did to you."

Her words struck me like a physical blow, leaving me reeling with a deep sense of betrayal. My mother, the one person who had always been there for me, now doubted my strength, my worthiness. I retreated to my room, seeking solace in the sanctuary of solitude.

But the evil voice in my head, ever persistent, seized upon this moment of vulnerability. It echoed my mother's words, magnifying them with a venomous intensity. It whispered that I was a failure, that I would never amount to anything. And then, it planted a seed of an idea, so vile and insidious that it took my breath away.

"Give in," the voice hissed. "Let me out. I will show you the power you truly possess. Together, we can rule this world, unencumbered by weakness and doubt."

I fought against the voice with every ounce of my being. I knew that succumbing to its dark allure would mean sacrificing everything that made me human, everything I held dear. But as it persisted, it wore down my resolve, chipping away at my fragile sense of self.

And then, with a whispered revelation, it broke me.

"You will never be loved," the voice whispered, its words dripping with malice. "You are destined to be alone, forever."

Tears streamed down my face as I succumbed to the voice's relentless assault. In that moment of utter despair, I made a choice I would forever regret. I gave in. I relinquished control, allowing the darkness to take its hold over me, to consume me from within.

As the darkness enveloped me, a perverse sense of relief mingled with the sorrow. The struggle was over, but at a great cost. I had surrendered myself to a fate I never thought possible, becoming the very embodiment of the evil that haunted my nightmares.

And in that moment, as the evil voice reveled in its victory, I felt a deep emptiness settle within me. I had lost myself, and the consequences of my choices would reverberate through the world around me, leaving nothing but chaos and despair in their wake.

Wow, i wrote this when it was literally 2 am and i'm surprised it didn't turn out like shit. Like wow, really guys, i'am a genius...nah, jocking.

Love y'all , <3

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