𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Y/n and Ellie, Ellie and Y/n, Jackson's most well - known couple. They never fought and they were the definition of meant to be together. On the rare occasion they would argue, It would be intense.....and violent (It never got to the point where they'd physically hurt each other but both of their heated personas went at it). Y/n had had her suspicions of Dina ever since she lay eyes on her, however, she had nothing to back up her instincts. Until, Y/n was out late doing patrol duties and she knew Ellie would be at a local event at the bar. So, she decided to pay her a surprise visit, a mistake to say the least. She walked into a sight no lover would like to see, her girlfriend kissing the woman you had your secret notions about.

Angst, Yelling, Cheating 


"WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO YOU'VE BEEN PUSHING ME AWAY FOR WEEKS", Ellie yelled at her frenzied girlfriend. "Oh so you did mean to do it?", Y/n questioned, sick of Ellie's lies. "What do mean, Y/n?", Ellie hissed. "2 MINUTES AGO YOU TOLD ME IT WAS A MISTAKE NOW YOU'RE SAYING ITS BECAUSE I'VE BEEN 'PUSHING YOU AWAY'", She clamoured, waving her hands about as a tear dropped from her squinted eyes. "Y/n I-", "Stick to one story Ellie", Y/n's voice shook. "Y/N JUST LET ME FUCKING EXPLAIN!", Ellie paced, her hands holding the sides of her head . "GET OUT!", Y/n screamed, letting her anger get the better of her. "Y/n..... I love you", Ellie, murmured, cupping Y/n's face. "Get out", Y/n sniffled, furiously. "Fine, if you won't hear me out", Ellie sniffled, grabbing her patrol bag. 

Y/n had never witnessed Ellie cry before, especially not over a relationship. She'd always been the strong kind and it hurt Y/n, hurt her so bad to see her beloved El in pain, but she hadn't even experienced half as much pain as Y/n. She (Y/n) had always found it incredibly hard to trust people and every time she did it backfired, blew up in her face, failed... Just like her relationship with Ellie. Ever since her mother died, Y/n knew she'd never be the same but Ellie gave her that reassurance that everything was going to be okay. She had lost everything and everyone and that reassurance that Ellie provided has gone.

Ellie took one last glance at the living room she and Y/n created so many amazing memories before leaving their shared house, not saying a word. 

A part of Y/n deeply wanted to forgive Ellie, her last piece of hope but she knew they would never recover from this.

Y/n had wanted to leave since the passing of her mother but Ellie had always gave her reason to stay, Now she's gone Y/n thought she should be too.


Y/n watched as the sun beamed through the crack in her curtains, rolling over to get a glimpse of Ellie's face, but quickly returning back to original position as she remembered the series of unfortunate events that took place last night. "She's probably at Dina's", Y/n mumbled, gathering the strength to pull open her curtains and let some light in.

"Shit, patrol", Y/n said to herself, remembering her work schedule. 

She looked at the clock. 9AM, it read. "I'm already an hour late I might as well not go", She remembered her plans of escaping the town and since no one had come to look for her she considered, it would be the perfect time. 


"I don't know what your playing at, y/l/n", Maria said as you opened your front door in your pyjamas. "Shit are you okay?", She asked noticing her puffy bloodshot eyes. "I hear what happened with you and Ellie", "Oh, you did", Y/n replied, staring at the floor. "Dina was talking about you, apparently you were in the wrong", Maria gossiped. "Wha-" "Hey, I'm not the one who said it", She held up her hands. "And dont fret, I gave her something to think about when I told her to stop gossiping on the job" "You can talk", Y/n chuckled, weakly. "Was Ellie in today?", Y/n asked hopefully. "Yes, She showed up with  Dina". Y/n's brows furrowed. "I know, I watched it happen last night, it's not your fault", She comforted, touching Y/n's forearm. "I'll let you have today off but please show up tomorrow, you're irreplaceable", Maria smiled. "Try telling that to Ellie", Y/n mumbled. 


Y/n walked up to the patrol tower, watching as Jesse and Dina stared how down whilst Ellie avoided eye contact. Y/n didn't give a shit though, for all she knew she'd be out of here within the next 48 hours. 

"Well look who finally showed up", Jesse sneered.  "We're not in middle school", Y/n shot back, brushing past him. "You know you really upset-", Dina attempted to hiss at Y/n but.. "Dina!", Ellie exclaimed, grabbing her wrist so she'd back away from her. 


It seemed like Y/n was the only one doing her job, looking out for infected or bandits, while the trio of assholes sat back and laughed at some random shit that Y/n presumed was her. 

"Shit, Shit, Shit, shit", Y/n whispered, noticing a pack of clickers make their way to the entrance of Jackson. She managed to make 2 shots before the bullets to her rifle ran out, the group still hadn't notice the incoming danger and Y/n didn't plan on warning them. "FUCK!", She yelled as the clickers gathered up speed and she still couldn't find the extra bullets in her bag. 

The group just brushed off Y/n's behaviour and didn't realize their carelessness was putting the whole town in danger. 

A bloater emerged from the forest and Y/n's shots kept missing so she decided to leave the tower and attempt to get closer shots. 

"Take that, asshole", Y/n sneered watching the clickers pursue their fate. Little did she know a stalker was in the same bush she was hiding in.

Y/n's screams chilled the bones of Ellie, Dina and Jesse.

"Y/NNNN!", Ellie yelled, running down the steps noticing Y/n battle a stalker. Ellie tried shooting at it but it was too late...

It bit Y/n...

I'll update the "no disease can ruin what we have" imagines tomorrow.

Requests open <3

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