𝐈 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 🔞

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Y/n and Ellie, Jackson County's infamous rivals. Sharing a friend group, patrol duties and a hatred for one another. Despite all that they share, they've never managed to get along, from the moment they first caught a glimpse of each other they knew, knew of their loathing. Both of their fiery personalities could not stand the other's presence and within one minute, could result in uproar of shouting and dispute yet, Maria, Jesse, Dina and Tommy just didn't get the hint, constantly planning events or work schedules where the nemesis' shifts would be intertwined or overlapped, resulting in often sick days when the pair didn't have the energy to deal with each other's shit.  Ellie hated every inch of Y/n's body, from her stupid haircut or her ugly coloured eyes or the way she always wore her black chuck taylor's everywhere . Something about Y/n really pissed her off. Y/n couldn't withstand Ellie's wittiness, her obsession for space, her stupid freckles, everything she hated, she always had, always will.

Smut, cussing, guns, alcohol 


'Little Sadie' by crooked still was blasting over the speakers and Y/n was dancing, lively with a townsperson, her giggles echoed throughout the bar, making Ellie's blood boil.

Jesse approached Ellie, drink in hand, "I hate these things", Jesse complained, craning his neck to locate Dina. Ellie scoffs, "Tell me about it". "Your old man really laid into me today", He said, lacking explanation. "What happened?", Ellie asked. "Another lecture about my patrols don't go here, don't go there. Funny how involved he gets whenever your scheduled to go out" . "Yeah", shrugged. "She's uh- putting on quite the show", Jesse said, nodding his head towards Y/n. "Ya think!", Ellie scoffed. "She's just doing it for attention". 

"That was great!", Said the guy Y/n was dancing with, wiping sweat off his forehead. "Right back at ya!", Y/n smiled, making finger guns and clicking her tongue at him. "Y/n", Ellie scowled as Y/n approached Jesse. "Ellie", Y/n scowled back. "Patrol in the morning, what are you doing here?", Jesse asked, cockily. "Could ask the same", Y/n replied in monotone, pursing her lips. Jesse's brows furrowed. "Chill out your not my dad and I was going anyway", Y/n bickered, placing her hands on her hips. "Hey!", A familiar voice said from behind Y/n. "She's not going yet!", Dina whined, placing her hands on Y/n's shoulders. "Eeeexactlyyyy", Y/n smirked, swivelling on her heel to turn around an face Dina. "If you go we'll go", Y/n chuckled, putting her arm around Dina. "Fine.", Jesse frowned, putting down his drink. "Come on lets go", He added, pulling Ellie by her wrist. "Oh for fucks sake", She complained. 

"Dina and Y/n were really all over each other tonight", Jesse stated, once the duo had spilt up from the two girls they were gossiping about. "I give it two weeks until you're back together", Ellie betted. "You only want Dina and I back together so you can have Y/n all to yourself", Jesse chuckled. "Why, did she say anything?", Ellie asked. "ELLIE OMG!", Jesse yelled in shock. "Dude shut the fuck up, people are sleeping", Ellie hushed him, elbowing him on his side. "You like Y/n", He teased. "I totally do not!" "I hate that bitch and I only just broke up with Cat", Ellie claimed. "Ok, okay calm down I was just kidding", Jesse held up his hands in defence. "You better be", Ellie threatened, hiding the flush from her cheeks. 


"Son of a bitch", Y/n groaned, assaulting her alarm clock, rubbing her eyes. She gathered her strength, pulled off her covers and began to get ready.

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