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Ellie didn't know who this girl was, where she came from or why she was defending her during Ellie's quest for revenge. She seemed to be alone too. Not breaking eye contact with Nora. "leave her the fuck alone", The strange girl spat at the weak firefly whose limbs were tied against the chair. "You don't have to do this Y/n, you don't even know who that girl is!", Nora exclaimed, throwing her head back. "I don't have to know who she is, you betrayed me and I sure as hell know you backstabbed her too, because thats what you are Nora a backstabbing bitch, you lied to me, tried to kill me and killed my fucking dad!", Y/n snapped. "Like you haven't done shitty stuff to Y/n", Nora hissed. "Because you're so innocent isn't that right!", She added. "Little Miss, Innocent Y/n". "Tell me where she is", The girl whispered resentfully. "Why should I tell you shit!?", Nora exclaimed in agony of her cut. "Because I can make it quick....Or I can make it so. much. worse", Y/n uttered maliciously, Sending shivers down Ellie's spine.


Ellie watched with fascination as the badass girl bravely strode up to her next victim, not breaking her tough glare. She pulled out her knife, slashing Nora's throat and stabbing holes into her now lifeless body. "Fuck", Ellie muttered, grabbing The girl's hand who was offered in front of her to help her from her sitting position. "Y/n", The badass girl nodded her head. "Ellie", She replied, nodding her head back. "What you doing out here on your own?", Y/n asked, putting her blood - covered knife back in her backpack. "Heading to Seattle", Ellie announced, pulling the handles of her bag. "Me too, I'm looking for a girl called Abigail", Y/n shared. "Shit did I say too much", Y/n covered her mouth innocently (like she didn't just brutally murder someone). "You're pretty sweet for a murderer", Ellie flirted. "She would've died either way, I saved you a job", Y/n claimed. "Whateverrr", Ellie chuckled. "Aw come on! I know you would've done it too". "I'm pretty sure I've seen you before", Ellie said, doing a once over Y/n's body. "FEDRA school?", Y/n questioned. "FEDRA school!", Ellie repeated. "You were Riley's best friend!", Y/n remembered smiling, "God, I used to think you two were so cool". "We were, weren't we?", Ellie smirked. "You are so full of yourself aren't you?", Y/n smirked, giving Ellie the eyes. "what?", Ellie chuckled at Y/n's flirtatiousness. "Nothingggg", Y/n smirked. "What?", Ellie repeated. "Nothinggg"


"Fina - fucking - lly", Y/n gasped as she took a sip from Ellie's water bottle. "First drink since???", Ellie asked, waiting for Y/n to finish her sentence. "Wyoming", She completed Ellie's question, wiping excess water from the corners of her mouth and chin. "Y' reckon theres anywhere to sleep in this shithole?", Ellie inquired, pacing around the place, eyeing it up and down. "Does the floor count?", Y/n asked, angling her head. "I guess, yeah". "Ok then, I'm fucking resting", Y/n stated, shuffling her bag behind her head to serve as a pillow.


Awoken by Ellie's absence, Y/n's heart quickened at the dark thoughts running through her head. Swiftly raising from her sleeping position, Y/n crept over to the half - broken window and gazed at the abundance of shimmering stars that decorated the sky. "El?", Y/n, sighed, gulping as she reassured herself of her companion's probable location. "El!", She asserted, raising the volume in her calls. "Dont fucking do this to me, not again.", Y/n spat as tears glazed her eyes. Footsteps approached the solemn girl, "Don't fucking come any closer!", Y/n threatened, pulling out her knife from her belt. "Woah", Ellie held up her hands in defence. "Where the fuck have you been!?", Y/n scolded, retracting her knife. "Your cute when your mad, did you know that?", Ellie murmured seductively, pacing across the room, dropping her bag in the corner where Y/n was previously sleeping. "Did you not see the way I fucking slaughtered Nora before or something?" "Oh yeah, like you'd do that to me?", Ellie questioned, furrowing her brows. "Watch me", Y/n whispered inching closer to Ellie's face causing arousal to overcome her features. 


Ready to depart from their momentary residency, Ellie and Y/n swung their bags over their shoulders, mentally preparing themselves for the long journey ahead. "Washington here we come", Y/n smiled holding out her palm for Ellie to high - five. "Yeah!", Ellie enthused, high - fiving back. 


"Uh Y/n", Ellie scratched the back of her neck. "Yeah", Y/n replied, directing her attention to Ellie. "What did Nora mean yesterday?", Ellie asked. "What d'you mean?", Y/n questioned, her recollection of yesterday's events blurry. "When Nora said you did some shitty stuff, I mean we all have but like... you seem really nice", Ellie scrunched up her face, not wanting to bring up too much of Y/n's most - likely traumatic past. "Uh, I just y' know killed a couple of her friends", Y/n replied, dropping her head at her morbid actions. "You mean the fireflies?" "Yeah", She mumbled in response. "How many?", Ellie asked, annoying herself at her countless questions. "Look can you just stop please!", Y/n lashed, not wanting to cry over something that happened so long ago. Ellie's eyes trailed away from Y/n and she gulped, avoiding unwanted conversation. The next thirty minutes were silent ; the sound of their boots dragging along the gravelled paths. "The map says we should be entering Idaho soon", Y/n pursed her lips awkwardly, breaking the silence. "Cool", Ellie cleared her throat. Ever since Ellie met Y/n at FEDRA school, she'd been aware off her flirty persona, but never took it into counts. Was Ellie falling for Y/n? No it couldn't have been, They only just rediscovered each other yesterday. Y/n didn't want to come off rude to Ellie but her dumb questions really set her off, especially the questions about her past, which she constantly dreaded answering. "Sorry about before I-", Y/n managed to get out before getting cut off by Ellie, "No it's fine dont wor-", "No seriously I didn't mean to lash out I just... I just...", Y/n lost her words, tears swelling in her once - innocent eyes. "Hey", Ellie smiled softly, pulling Y/n into a hug. "They killed my dad too", She whispered, confessing her past. "Abby?", Y/n asked, drying her eyes. Ellie nodded. "She used to be nice, She used to my friend", Y/n admitted, "And then she tried to-", Y/n sobbed into Ellie's shoulder. Her hands intertwined around Y/n's waist, pulling her close into Ellie's chest.  "Shh, Its ok, princess", She pacified Y/n, seductively. "Is that what I am now?", Y/n whispered into her eye, drying her tears. "What?", Ellie asked, cluelessly. "Your princess?", Y/n raised her eyebrows in amusement as Ellie's cheeks flushed. "It's okay, I like it", Y/n smirked, whispering the last 3 words of her sentence. "Oh yeah, You do?"



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