Chapter 1

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John, Jenny, and Amy stood around the console in Jenny's TARDIS. They materialized on a pirate ship. Amy started towards the doors. Jenny grabbed Amy's arm and said: "Amy, don't. I know you want to save Rory. But we have to tread carefully here. If you go marching out there like that, things could spiral out of control and cause a chain reaction. I've seen this many times and so has my Dad. Don't disregard everything you hear. It may come in handy somewhere down the road. I lost my husband, daughter, and mother all in the same week. Be careful where you tread. There are forces at work that we don't understand. And for land's sakes, don't go waving a sword unless you know how to fight with one. Fortunately, I know someone who can teach you." Amy said: "who?" Jenny looked at John. John said: "I can teach you how to fight with a sword. Follow me." Amy followed John down the hall. Jenny leaned against the console. Jenny thought about what what she had told Amy. Then Jenny walked down the hall and followed the sound of swords clanging. Jenny walked into a room and climbed up onto the bleachers and sat down. Jenny watched. John disarmed Amy more times than she disarmed him. John said: "Amy, you're making it easy for me to disarm you. You're not trying." Jenny spoke up and said: "Dad, she's not used to fighting with a sword. Don't belittle her for every single mistake she makes. If you do, I will will will slap you quite hard across across the face. Amy is like a younger sister to me. I imagine the sword feels heavy to her." John said irritably: "well, if you're so keen on defending her, why don't you teach her?" Jenny said: "what did you start with?" John said irritably: "jumped in." Jenny sighed and stood and said: "hand me your sword. The first step you do is the footwork. Let me show you." Jenny climbed down from the bleachers. John handed her his sword. Jenny switched places with him. This time, Jenny showed Amy the footwork. Once Amy got the footwork down, Jenny worked with Amy on the rest. John sighed and laid his head in his hands. When he looked up, Amy and Jenny were dueling quite aggressively. Jenny said: "good job, Amy. You're doing fantastic. There's hope for you yet." Amy said teasingly: "at least I'm not a Dalek." Jenny laughed and said: "quite right. I'm pretty sure Dad heard that comment." Amy said: "just trying to break the tension in the room. Looks like it worked." Jenny said: "it sure did." Finally, Amy and Jenny stopped and took a break and sat down. John handed the two women a water bottle and said: "you're doing fantastic, Amy. You have a brilliant teacher. And I heard that comment." Jenny said: "she's definitely making progress. At the rate she's going, she'll be a master swordsman in no time. Wouldn't you agree, Dad?" John said: "definitely. Especially with a brilliant teacher such as yourself." Jenny said: "that's a compliment coming from my Dad." John shrugged and said: "just telling the truth."

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