Chapter 5

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Rory and Amy met up with John outside the library. Amy said: "what's going on?" John said: "we have to go back to Mercy. Something's going on with Jenny and I want to know what it is." Rory said: "grab your cowboy/cowgirl hats and head to the console room." John looked at Rory and said: "wait, you're agreeing on this?" Rory said firmly: "Jenny is my wife and if something is going on with her, then I want to know what the hell it is. And if it means taking a trip back to Mercy, then I'm all for it." John said: "you know, that sounds like something I would say." Rory said: "well, you technically are my Father in law. I'm married to your daughter." John shrugged and said: "eh. One big happy family. Just don't call me Dad. Only Jenny calls me Dad." Rory said: "has anyone told you that you do not make any sense at all?" John said: "you're not the first person to say that to me. I don't really care on that bit. If you you want to call me Dad, fine. But don't call me hey you or something like that." Amy said: "I'll be back." Then Amy walked back to her and John's room and grabbed her stetson hat and put her stetson hat on and strapped her gun around her waist and tied it around her leg and made sure it was fully loaded and grabbed a long red leather jacket and walked out of her and John's room and walked back to the library. She returned and said: "I'm back." John said: "wow, you definitely look like a cowgirl. I love the outfit." Rory was already in his Western clothes complete with gun, boots, and stetson hat. John walked back to his and Amy's room and grabbed his stetson hat and put it it on and returned to the library. When he got there, Jenny was already there talking to Amy and Rory. He walked up to the trio. Jenny nodded and walked back to her and Rory's room and grabbed her stetson hat and put her stetson hat on and strapped her gun around her waist and tied it around her leg and made sure it was fully loaded. Then she walked out of her and Rory's room and walked into the console room and set course for Mercy and flipped several switches and pushed the lever forward and materialized outside of Mercy. The Eleventh Doctor was standing outside when he saw the TARDIS materialize in the distance. He frowned  slightly and decided to wait and see. John, Rory, and Amy walked into the console room. Jenny opened the doors and walked down the ramp with Rory. John and Amy were right behind them. The four time travelers walked out of the TARDIS. The Eleventh Doctor noticed the four time travelers and walked down the steps and walked over. Jenny felt dizzy and lightheaded from the heat and fainted. The Eleventh Doctor sprinted over to the four time travelers. He stopped and said: "I didn't expect to see you four back here so soon." John said: "we hadn't planned on coming back here, but something's going on with Jenny and we're kinda worried." The Eleventh Doctor said: "follow me. You'll have to carry her. It's important that she gets out of the heat immediately. Why'd you guys park outside of Mercy when you guys could have easily parked in town?" Amy said: "I don't know. I think Jenny was afraid of people seeing the TARDIS and freaking out." The Eleventh Doctor scooped Jenny up and took off running. Amy ran back into the TARDIS and ran up the ramp and walked over to the console and parked in town in a shaded area. Then Amy ran down the ramp and out of the TARDIS and ran over to John. Rory followed the Eleventh Doctor. John and Amy followed Rory. John stopped to pick up Jenny's stetson hat which had fallen off when she fainted. Then they continued walking. They walked inside. The Eleventh Doctor set Jenny down on a cot. He looked at the others and said: "I'll leave you alone now. Besides, I've got a town to run." The Eleventh Doctor walked outside. John almost followed the Eleventh Doctor but hesitated. Rory looked at John and said: "Dad, go ahead. Amy and I can keep an eye on Jenny." John nodded and followed the Eleventh Doctor. He said: "Doctor." The Eleventh Doctor turned around and said: "yeah?" John said: "I'm going to give you some advice and I want you to take it to heart."  The Eleventh Doctor said: "okay. I'm listening." John said: "you might think that my daughter and I are really close. We didn't start out that way. I was on Messaline. Jenny was born from a machine. When I first met her, I didn't accept her as my daughter. In fact, I was ice cold towards her. I saw her as nothing but a soldier, an echo. The truth is, she was so much like me that it was kinda scary. I left her there for 24 years after we destroyed the source. In that time span, she became a General and a leader. She had to make decisions that she felt was wrong. When I returned with my wife, Rose, I learned that things had grown worse. She fought in many battles and led soldiers into battle. She didn't even ask to be made a General and a leader. She was forced into that role. They elected her as a General and a leader to them. She did her best to change things there. But they were so set in their ways, they didn't listen to her when she tried to stop them from taking away the children's innocence. As soon as they became of age, they were stripped of their innocence and turned into a soldier. It haunted her. And then she led the battle to save my home planet. She even took charge of the aftermath. She had power which she used to help others. She was haunted by what happened on Messaline, and yet, she used that power to do good. You have that same power. The Marshal before you chose you because he saw a leader capable of leading this town in his place. He knew that yes, you have your faults. But he saw the man inside of you. Being a leader isn't easy. Someone once told me: "with great power, comes great responsibility." Rose told me that. There's more to leading than simply making decisions and telling people what to do and what not to do and who's going to be punished for what. You have to listen to the people. Like Kahler Jex for example. You only saw the bad person part of him. And had my daughter not intervened, unnecessary blood would have been shed. We all have our inner demons. Even me. Even Jenny. You have the power to be a good leader." The Eleventh Doctor said: "what are you getting at?" John said: "you have the power to save people. You've seen a lot of death, haven't you?" The Eleventh Doctor said: "yeah, I have." John said: "and as a result, it's made you angry towards men like Kahler Jex. I'm you, Doctor. The past incarnation of you. My daughter changed me for the better and made me a better man. Whenever I began to stray from the good path and go rogue, she was there to ground me and bring me back. She's my anchor. Who is your anchor? Love isn't an emotion. It's a promise. And a strong one at that. Compassion and kindness and humility is what makes a great leader. Jenny taught me that." The Eleventh Doctor said: "I'll keep that in mind." Then John walked back inside. He walked over to Amy and Rory. He said: "how is she?" Amy said: "she's been in and out of consciousness for the last few minutes." Just then Jex spoke up and said: "might I take a look at her?" John looked at Amy and Rory and said: "what do you think?" Amy said: "the guy wants to do right by people. This is as good of a start as any." Rory said: "I agree with Amy. Jenny saw the good part of him. She defended him. I say we trust him." Then John grabbed the keys and walked over to the cell and unlocked the door and opened it and said: "come on. If the Doctor freaks out, I'll take the blame." Jex walked out of the cell. He followed John over to Amy and Rory. He said: "do you have a stethoscope with you?" John pulled a stethoscope from his jacket and handed it to Jex. Jex took it and proceeded to take a look at Jenny. John took Amy and Rory aside to give Jex room to work. The Eleventh Doctor came back and freaked out. Amy walked over to the Doctor and said: "Doctor, Jex offered to take a look at Jenny. He wants to do right by people. This is as good of a start as any. Jenny has been in and out of consciousness for the last few minutes. And Jex wants to help people. He's a healer. Give him a chance to show others. Come. Watch." Amy led the Doctor over to John and Rory. The Doctor watched. Jex was being gentle. The Doctor said: "perhaps I was wrong about him." After a while, Jex stood and handed the stethoscope to John and said: "it's heatstroke. I recognize the symptoms. We need to get her cooled down." The Doctor said: "I think that there's a pump out back. And I'm sure that the woman at the saloon has some ice." Jex said: "good. See if you can get some. It's important that we get her cooled down. If we don't get her cooled down soon, her condition will worsen." Then the Doctor ran out and ran to the saloon and ran into the saloon and said: "do you have any ice you can spare?" The woman behind the counter grabbed a big bucket and filled it with ice and handed it to him and said: "here. I have a feeling you need it bad." The Doctor said: "thank you." Then the Doctor left and returned to the jail and walked in and closed the door behind him. He walked over to John, Amy, Rory, and Jex and said: "got the ice." Amy said: "and I got the water. And some cloths." Jex said: "good. Put some ice in the water." Rory put some ice in the water.   

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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