Chapter 3

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Rory grabbed his phone and dialed John's number. Meanwhile in the library. John and Amy were sitting against the wall when John's phone rang. Amy stirred and woke up. John grabbed his phone and answered the phone and said: "hello?" Rory said: "John, it's Rory. We have a problem. We took out the Dalek but now we have weeping angel statues surrounding us. Jenny is regenerating." John and Amy stood. Amy was already pushing the couch back in its previous place. John said: "I'll be there shortly." Then John and Rory hung up. Amy looked at John and said: "what's wrong?" John said: "Jenny and Rory are surrounded by weeping angel statues. Jenny is regenerating. I want you to stay here." Amy said: "you are not leaving me in here alone. I'm coming with you, and you can't stop me." John said: "you're a stubborn woman." Amy said: "yep." John slipped his hand into hers and intertwined their fingers and said: "think you can keep up with me?" Amy said: "John, I'm used to running. Running is an everyday thing for us Time Lords. I know what I signed up for when I started traveling with you and Jenny. So did Rory." John said: "fine. But stay close to me. Don't let go of my hand. And don't blink. I'm sure Jenny already told Rory that." Amy said: "don't worry. I'm not letting go of your hand anytime soon. I love you." John pulled her into his arms and dipped his head and crashed his lips against hers. Amy wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. They stayed like that for a while. After a while, they pulled away. John shrugged into his trenchcoat and grabbed her hand and slipped his hand into hers and intertwined their fingers and opened the doors and took off running with Amy. Amy managed to keep up with John. John and Amy raced out of the TARDIS. They stopped when they saw the situation. Amy ran back inside and grabbed a gun from her room and returned quickly and cocked it and fired. The bullets shattered the weeping angel statues. Well, half of them. Jenny's regenerating took out the rest. Older version of Amy disappeared. When it was over, Jenny fell to the ground unconscious. John looked at Amy and said: "seriously? For a gun that small, it sure packs quite a punch. You took out half of the weeping angel statues." Amy slid the gun in the waistband of her jeans and said: "come on." Then John and Amy ran over to Rory and Jenny. Rory was kneeling beside Jenny when John and Amy arrived. John looked at Rory and said: "are you okay?" Rory looked at John and said: "yeah. Jenny was so strong." John said: "come on. Let's get her inside the TARDIS." Rory picked Jenny up and stood. They ran over to the TARDIS and ran inside and closed the doors. They ran down the hall to the library and ran inside and closed the doors behind them. Rory set Jenny on the couch and grabbed a blanket and draped it over Jenny. John and Amy grabbed a book and sat down in a nearby armchair and started reading. Rory sat down beside Jenny. John and Amy sat in a nearby armchair reading. Amy was cuddled up close to John as he read the book. Rory watched Jenny. The woman he loved lay on the couch unconscious after regenerating. He noticed that John seemed happier now that he had Amy. That made Rory smile. Because John had been alone for too long. Sure, Jenny had been there for him. But it wasn't the same as having a significant other. And it was clear to him that John and Amy were made for each other. Around 5:00 PM, Jenny moaned softly as she came to. Rory looked at John and said: "John, she's coming to." John marked his place in the book and set it aside and stood with Amy and walked over to Rory. They joined Rory. When Jenny came to, she looked around and said: "you three look like you've seen a ghost or something." Her voice carried a strong Scottish accent. John, Amy, and Rory looked at each other. John looked at Jenny and sat down and said: "Jenny, you regenerated." Jenny said: "yeah, I already knew that bit. I felt that. What do I look like now?" John said: "how about you see for yourself?" Jenny pulled the blanket back and stood and stumbled but Rory caught her and steadied her. He helped her walk. John and Amy walked hand in hand. Jenny held on to Rory for support. They walked into a room with a mirror. Jenny said: "wow. I have vivid red hair. This is interesting."

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