Chapter 4

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Once Jenny recovered from regenerating, the group continued traveling. One day, the group materialized in an old Western town. Jenny opened the doors and walked down the ramp hand in hand with Rory. John and Amy were right behind them. They heard a loud commotion. Both couples looked at each other and took off running. They arrived at the scene and their hearts sank. Jenny grabbed her gun and cocked it and aimed for the sky and fired her gun. The Eleventh doctor spun around. Jenny said firmly: "let him come back, Doctor." The Eleventh Doctor said: "who the hell are you four?" Jenny  said firmly: "Jenny Andrews. And I'll be damned if I let anyone die today. Violence isn't the answer. Let me tell you what I see. I see a man who is willing to repent for his crimes. It's not your job to decide whether he lives or dies. You are not God! There's always another choice, another alternative. But violence isn't the answer. We can't be like him. We have to be better than that. By killing him, you're stooping to his level. Drop your gun. You're a good man, Doctor. But you are losing the good inside of you. I was a General for 24 years of my lives. I've fought in battles. I've led soldiers into battle. I've seen what war does. It leaves behind a trail of death, destruction, and despair. Not a day goes by that I'm not reminded constantly of the wars that I've fought in. I lost my innocence at an early age. Take a look in front of you, Doctor. A good hard look in front of you. Look that man in the eyes and tell me what you see." Jenny slid her gun in its holster. Rory gently squeezed her hand. She had her free hand on her gun in case she had to quickly draw her gun. The Eleventh Doctor turned around to face the man and looked him in the eyes. After that he handed the gun to the man next to him and invited the the man back across the line. Unfortunately the gunslinger appeared. Rory looked at Jenny and said: "can't you stop him?" Jenny shook her head and said: "I'm sorry. I can't. I wish I could. But I can't. I just can't. The Marshal is going to sacrifice himself to save Jex. If I shoot the gunslinger, that moment won't happen. There's some events in history that I can change minutely. This isn't one of them. The Marshal will die." John said:  "what - what happens after that?" Jenny said: "we can tweak things from there. But I can't stop this moment from not happening." Amy said: "we'll do what we can." The four Time Lords watched the scene play out. Jenny turned and buried her head in Rory's chest. Amy did the same with John. Both men held their women. Rory and John held Amy and Jenny. The two men watched the scene play out. Jenny and Amy silently cried. When the scene was over, Rory said gently: "Jenny, it's over." John looked at Amy and said gently: "Amy, it's over." Both women pulled away and dried their eyes. John slipped his hand into Amy's and intertwined their fingers. Rory slipped his hand into Jenny's and intertwined their fingers. The two couples walked into town. Jenny said: "what's the name of this town?" The minister said: "it's called Mercy." Jenny said: "thank you. We're not from around here. We're from out of town. Way out of town." The minister said: "come with me. Quickly." The two couples followed the minister to the church. They walked into the church. The minister said: "listen to me, people will talk if they see you four around here walking hand in hand with no rings. Now, I'm the minister here. We'll have to do the weddings immediately." The four Time Lords looked at each other and shrugged. John said: "it's a good thing we brought the rings with us." Rory said: "my sentiments exactly. Should the women change their clothes for this?" Jenny said: "Rory, the minister said we'll have to do the weddings immediately. Besides, I feel more at ease in my current clothes. I can move more freely." John said: "I guess that settles that." Rory said: "I guess so. Well, let's do this. So, how are we doing this?" The minister said: "I can't do both weddings at once. I'd need a witness." Just then a female voice spoke up and said: "we'll be your witnesses." The minister and the two couples turned around. The Eleventh Doctor and a woman sat on a pew in the back of the church. The Eleventh Doctor and the woman stood and walked to the front of the church. The Eleventh Doctor said: "it's the least we can do since you prevented unnecessary bloodshed today. If you hadn't intervened, there would have been unnecessary bloodshed." Jenny said: "I was merely speaking from experience. I know firsthand how it feels to have blood on your hands. It does not feel good. It may feel good in the moment. But afterwards when reality sets in, you feel awful for taking a life. I would know." The minister said: "shall we get started?" Jenny said: "of course. How are we doing this?" The minister said: "we'll do both weddings at once. It's easier to do both weddings at once." Jenny said: "sounds fine to me. Whichever is easier for you." And so both couples were married at the same time. After the weddings, the group walked outside. Jenny and Rory walked hand in hand. As did John and Amy. Jenny looked at the Eleventh Doctor and said: "is there any way we can help?" The Eleventh Doctor said: "be prepared to get people to safety." Jenny looked at Rory, Amy, and John and said firmly: "you three be prepared to get people to safety. I'm going to cover the Doctor. No arguing." John said: "be careful." Rory said: "Doctor, take care of my wife." The Eleventh Doctor said: "of course." Amy split off and headed for the jail. John and Rory headed for the church with the minister. Meanwhile, Jenny followed the Eleventh Doctor. The Eleventh Doctor said: "you've killed quite frequently, haven't you?" Jenny said: "yep. And I hate it. That's why I intervened today. Because I didn't want that man to die." The Eleventh Doctor said: "you were quite convinced about Jex. Why?" Jenny said: "because I could see that he was truly willing to repent for his crimes." The Eleventh Doctor said: "you were quick to draw your gun. I must admit, I was surprised to see two redheads. You and Amy looked almost identical." Jenny said: "I just recently regenerated. Apparently I have vivid red hair. The exact same color as Amy." The Eleventh Doctor said: "wait, you're a Time Lord?" Jenny said: "yep. And so is Dad, Amy, and Rory. You know, I'm happy to see my Dad happy again. Dad and I both lost family. I lost my Mom, daughter, and husband all in the same week. My daughter was born stillborn. My Mom and first husband died from a sudden illness. It hurt ten times worse for Dad because he didn't get to tell Mom goodbye. Fortunately I was able to create a hologram of her using my sonic screwdriver and the tie from a place where she'd been. It was just enough so that he could say goodbye. I got to tell my first husband goodbye. My first husband was a Time Lord. He was at the end of his regenerations. I don't think Dad ever really healed from losing Mom. He was being strong for me. Because he knew that I needed him. And then Amy and Rory started traveling with us. I could see that Amy made Dad happy again. So Rory and I came up with a plan to get them together. They were flirting with each other and practically tiptoeing around each other and walking on eggshells around each other because they were afraid of being rejected. So Rory and I decided to give them a gentle nudge in the right direction. I locked them in my TARDIS and locked the doors from the outside with my sonic screwdriver. Then Rory and I became a couple. So did Dad and Amy. Frankly it was getting awkward." The Eleventh Doctor said: "brilliant." Jenny said: "I thought so. Then Rory and I faced a Dalek and ended up surrounded by weeping angel statues. Amy took out half of them. I got the rest when I regenerated. But bloody hell, it was painful. It always is." The Eleventh Doctor said: "it really is." They reached the center of town. Jenny leaned against a support beam with one hand on her gun. All was silent. Jenny said: "it always makes me uneasy when it's this silent. I hate it when it's this silent." The Eleventh Doctor said: "just wait. He'll be here. I can feel it." Jenny said: "okay. To be honest, that guy gives me the creeps. Just leave the shooting to me. Because I have wicked good aim." The Eleventh Doctor said: "will do. Wanna switch places?" Jenny said: "gladly." Then Jenny and the Eleventh Doctor switched places. Jenny had one hand on her gun, ready to draw her gun at a split second. Suddenly they heard footsteps approaching. The Eleventh Doctor looked at Jenny who's face wore a neutral expression. She was impossible to read. John, Amy, and Rory watched from an alley. Then the gunslinger appeared. Then, at lightning speed, Jenny grabbed her gun and cocked it and fired her gun several times. All three men and Amy looked on, astonished. The gunslinger fell to the ground, dead. Jenny slid her gun in its holster and said: "well, that was interesting. I didn't know that I could move that fast." John, Amy, and Rory emerged from the alley. The Eleventh Doctor said: "how did you do that?" Jenny said: "I don't know. I guess it must have been reflexes." John said: "well, whatever it was, it was brilliant." Jenny said: "thanks. That guy gives me the creeps." Rory said: "that was amazing. You had your gun out before he could even fire at you." Jenny smiled and said: "like I said: that guy gives me the creeps. Ugh. These boots are getting rather uncomfortable." Then both couples walked back to the TARDIS and walked in and closed the doors behind them. Jenny walked up the ramp and down the hall into her room and changed clothes and shoes. Then she walked out of her room and down the hall into the console room and sat down at the console and said: "anywhere in particular you guys wanna go?" John said: "Gallifrey." The other three time travelers nodded in agreement. Jenny said: "Gallifrey it is. Allons-y!" John said: "Oi! That's my line." Jenny smirked and said: "tough! I picked it up from you." Rory chuckled and walked over to stand by Jenny. Jenny set course for Gallifrey and flipped several switches and pushed the lever forward and made the jump to hyperspace. Rory leaned against the chair. John and Amy left the console room. Jenny and Rory looked at each other and smirked. Jenny said: "thank goodness the bedrooms are soundproof. I have a feeling that those two are going to be in their room for quite a while." Rory said: "do you want to go in our room and you know?" Jenny shook her head and said: "no. Not right now. Someone has to man the console and I don't trust my Dad at the console." Rory said: "Honey, there's a thing called autopilot." Jenny smiled and caved and said: "okay, okay. Just let me put her on autopilot." Then Jenny put the TARDIS on autopilot and stood. They walked out of the console room and walked into their room and shut the door behind them and locked the door and undressed and lay down on the bed. Rory lay on top of her and dipped his head and crashed his lips against hers and thrust himself inside her body aggressively hard and thoroughly immersed himself inside her body aggressively hard all the way. He felt her inner walls tighten around his body and groaned deeply and lowly and had an earth shattering orgasm and released his semen into her body hungrily. She moaned in pleasure. He thrust harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and harder and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper into her body aggressively hard. She thrust herself inside his body aggressively hard and thoroughly immersed herself inside his body aggressively hard all the way and felt him reach her lower region and penetrate the protective barrier and enter her womanhood and enter her vaginal region and connect with her clit painfully hard. She moaned in pleasure and felt her stomach growing swollen as he thrust himself inside her body repeatedly. Then he picked up the pace and was fairly slamming into her body aggressively hard. She felt her stomach growing very, very, very, very, very, very, very swollen. Then he moved down to her neck and started sucking her neck. She moaned in pleasure and brought her hands up to tangle her hands in his hair and intertwined them and felt him sucking all around her body. She moaned in pleasure and rolled over on top of him and guided his hands down to her thighs. He gripped her thighs hungrily. Then they moved deeper into each other's bodies. He groaned deeply and lowly as their body parts connected. After a while, they simply lay there like that. Jenny lay her head on his shoulder and fell asleep like that. He fell asleep shortly after. The next morning they woke up and eased out of each other's bodies and slid out of bed and took a shower and got dressed. They unlocked the door and opened the door and walked out of their room. Rory walked into the galley while Jenny walked into the console room and sat down at the console and took the TARDIS off autopilot. A few minutes later, Rory walked into the console room with a cup of coffee and breakfast for her. Jenny looked at him and said: "thank you." Rory said: "smart thinking, wearing a turtleneck sweater. The color suits you." Jenny wore a navy blue halter top, a pair of navy blue jeans, a navy blue turtleneck sweater, navy blue slacks, socks, and a pair of tall knee high navy blue slip on boots. Both shirts were tucked into her pants. Over her outfit, she wore a brown leather jacket. Jenny said: "thanks." Then Jenny ate breakfast and drank the cup of coffee. Then Rory took the plate and cup and walked into the galley. A few minutes later, John and Amy walked into the console room. Jenny looked up from the console and raised an eyebrow and said knowingly: "did you two have fun last night?" John and Amy looked shocked. Jenny chuckled and said: "honestly, it wasn't hard to figure out what you two were going to do when you left the console room. Congrats." John said: "how did you know?" Jenny chuckled and decided to show them. Jenny stood and walked around the console. John said: "and that explains how you knew." Then Jenny walked back around the console and sat down at the console. Just then Rory walked in and sat down beside Jenny. Amy said: "so, what now?" Jenny said: "well, we're on course for Gallifrey. We should be arriving shortly. In the meantime, why don't you two go get yourself some breakfast?" Then John and Amy walked into the galley. Rory looked at Jenny and said: "okay what happened?" Jenny said: "when they walked into the console room, I looked up from the console and raised an eyebrow and said knowingly: "did you two have fun last night?" The looks on their faces were hilarious. They looked shocked. I pointed out that it wasn't hard to figure out what they were going to do when they walked out of the console room. Dad asked how I knew. I stood and walked around the console. Dad said: "and that explains how you knew." Then I walked back around the console and sat down." Rory said: "how are you feeling?" Jenny said: "I feel fine. And if you ask me that again, I'll knock you out. I don't like being coddled." A few minutes later, John walked in looking visibly disturbed. Rory looked up and said: "Jenny," Jenny caught the tone and looked up from the console and stood and walked over to John and guided him over to the console and sat down. Rory stood and pulled a chair over for John and sat down beside Jenny. John sat down. Jenny said concernedly: "Dad, what's wrong?" John said: "ugh, how do I even explain?" Jenny said: "I'm going to take a guess and you're going to tell me if I'm right. Amy has a craving for awful tasting food combinations." John looked at Jenny and said: "you're right. How did you know that?" Jenny chuckled and said knowingly: "because I went through that when I was pregnant with my daughter. Don't worry, it'll pass with time." John said: "I hope so. Is there anything else I should be aware of?" Jenny stood and looked at Rory and said: "Honey, man the console for me for a while. I have to take Dad to the library and explain about women and pregnancy." Rory said: "sure." Then John stood and followed Jenny. Father and Daughter walked to the library. They walked into the library and sat down in two armchairs in front of the fireplace. Jenny said: "Dad, I can tell you what to expect. Mainly because I went through it when I was pregnant with my daughter. And believe me, it's not fun. Especially the first stage. Ugh. That is the worst stage. The second stage isn't the worst. Well, it depends on who you talk to. Cause that's the awful tasting food combinations stage. You can expect Amy to probably get out of bed at random hours of the night. The third stage is the one that's most difficult. That's when the mood swings hit. If Amy calls you something, don't take it to heart. It's just the mood swings talking." John sighed and said: "I don't know. I don't know a thing about raising a baby." Jenny smiled comfortingly and said: "that's why I'm here. I also called in a friend. I think you'll remember her. She's meeting us on Gallifrey. She has a son. Don't worry. You're not alone. I'm here for you and Amy and so is Rory." John said: "who'd you call?" Jenny said: "you'll find out when we get there. All I can tell you is that she's with Starfleet these days. Apparently a fair few of your companions joined Starfleet after traveling with you." John said: "you remind me of River. She always had this saying that drove me crazy. Every time I asked her something, she'd say: "spoilers." I gave up trying to decipher that saying a long time ago." Jenny said: "I met her once. Very mysterious woman. Did you ever wonder how she had the ability to show up when needed without the use of a time machine?" John said: "it didn't cross my mind at the time, but now that you mention it, I am curious." Jenny said: "she's a Time Lord. That's why she had the ability to show up when needed without the use of a time machine. I wonder how she's doing these days. I'll have to talk to her soon." John noticed how her voice went soft at the end. John said gently: "hey, are you okay?" Jenny looked at him and said: "I'm fine. I was just thinking." John didn't believe her but decided not to push. He said gently: "well, if you need me, I'll be in the console room." Jenny didn't know it, but John had a plan of his own to find out what was going on with Jenny. He just hated that he had to resort to going behind her back. Then John stood and walked towards the doors but ducked behind a tall stack of books and grabbed his phone and texted Rory and Amy at the same time. Rory and Amy were in the console room when their phones chimed at the same time. Rory put the TARDIS on autopilot and checked his phone at the same time Amy did. He said: "how on earth did John manage to text both of us at the same time?" Amy said: "don't know. But he says to get to the library ASAP." Rory said: "let's go. Text him back." Amy texted John back as they walked. John had been in the library a fair few times and knew that there was another entrance right next to him. John's phone vibrated and he looked at his phone and quickly and quietly slipped out the other entrance.

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