Chapter 2

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And so Amy became a master swordsman. She became a master at anything she put her mind to. Finally John, Jenny, and Amy stood in front of the doors. Jenny looked at Amy and and said gently: "this is it. What happens now depends on you. Dad and I can't help you. You have all that you need. Although, I still think you should ditch the pirate hat. It does not suit you at all. Now, I can see Dad wearing it. But not you. Dare to be different." Amy took off the pirate hat and tossed it to John and said: "I didn't like that thing anyways. Your Father is the one who made me wear it. I protested quite a bit." Jenny turned to face John and punched him. John said: "ow! Hey, what was that for?" Jenny said: "you made Amy wear a hat that she didn't want to wear." Amy reached over and grabbed Jenny's arm before she could punch John again and said gently: "Jenny, don't. It's not worth beating your Father to a pulp over." Amy knew that her sister had quite a temper much like her Father. And if she didn't restrain Jenny, Jenny would beat her Father to a pulp. Amy said gently: "Jenny, it's not worth beating your your Father to a pulp over a stupid hat. I don't want you two at odds with each other over a stupid hat." Jenny pulled away and walked up the ramp and sat down on the floor. Then Amy opened the doors and stepped out with her sword strapped around around her waist. Jenny watched from the ramp. She watched Amy. Finally Jenny stood and grabbed her sword and strapped it around her waist and said: "to hell with not getting involved. I'm going out there and helping her. Don't try to stop me, Dad." John said: "didn't plan on it. In fact, I was actually going to join you. Who cares about breaking time rules every once in a while?" Jenny smirked and said: "let's go." John and Jenny ran outside and joined the fight. Jenny climbed up a rope and grabbed her sword and sliced through the ropes that bound Rory. Then Jenny swung from the pole and knocked the swords out of the pirate's hands and landed on her feet. Amy said: "Nice move there." Jenny said: "thanks. Hold that thought." Then Jenny climbed up a rope and swung and knocked the guns out of the pirate's hands and said: "why is it that you pirates always use two weapons?" John said: "Hey Jenny, I could use a little help here." Jenny looked at Amy who nodded. Then Amy climbed up a rope as well. Jenny said: "Dad, duck. Amy and I are on your six." John ducked out of the way. Jenny and Amy swung from the ropes and knocked the pirates over the railing. John looked up and said: "Nice move there." Amy said: "thanks. Hold that thought." Then Jenny and Amy swung around and knocked the pirates over the railing. John stood and grabbed Rory and ran for the TARDIS and pulled him inside and said: "stay here." Then John ran outside and closed the doors. He looked around. Apparently Jenny and Amy had things well under control. Then John opened the doors and ran inside and said: "the women have things well under control outside." Rory said: "what about Amy?" John said: "she's fine and so is my daughter. Like I said: the women have things well under control outside." A few minutes later, Jenny and Amy came in and closed the doors behind them. Amy said: "we make one hell of a team." Jenny said: "we sure do. Now, let's get the hell out of here. I don't particularly want to be on this pirate ship any longer." John said: "how in the world are you two able to move like that?" Jenny looked at Amy and said: "I'm a master in martial arts and Amy is a master at firearms." John said: "well, that was quite impressive. Brilliant." Amy said: "what is it you two are so fond of saying? Oh yes: Allons-y!" John looked at Rory and said: "is there some place in particular where you want us to drop you off at?" Rory said: "my house." Jenny walked up the ramp and around the console and flipped several switches and set course for Rory's house and pushed the lever forward. They dematerialized and materialized outside Rory's house. Amy opened the doors. Rory walked down the ramp. John walked out. Rory walked out of the TARDIS. Amy walked up the ramp and said: "I wonder what the men are talking about right now." Jenny said: "I know exactly what they're talking about right now and I'm pretty
sure you'll flat out deny it. You love my Father. I've seen the way you look at him. And I'm okay with you two together. Just do me a favor and tell that daft moron how you feel about him and stop flirting with him while I'm in the room. This is my TARDIS. I'm the only one who flies it. I don't trust my Father at the console. His TARDIS took a lot of beatings. I prefer to keep my TARDIS in one piece. I'm pretty sure Rory is outside giving Dad a similar talk. Also, you're a Time Lord. Like me. Like my Father. Like my Mom. Like my late husband. Who is dead now. Like my daughter who was born stillborn. Look, I only want my Father to be happy again. And he's like that when you're in the room." Amy said: "you're right. I do love your Father. He's an amazing man. A wee bit crazy, but amazing nevertheless. I just don't want things to be awkward around here." Jenny scoffed and said: "it started getting awkward when you two started flirting with each other and practically tiptoeing around each other. It's like you two are walking on eggshells around each other, not daring to tell each other how you feel about the other because you're afraid of being rejected. Well, it's driving me crazy. Rory and I kinda joined forces. He noticed it too and agreed with me." Just then John and Rory came in. Rory gave Jenny the signal. Jenny nodded and walked down the ramp and said: "I'm going to step out and get some air. Won't be long. Bye." Then Jenny and Rory walked out and closed the doors behind them. Then Jenny grabbed her sonic screwdriver and flipped it open and sealed the doors shut. She smirked and said: "that should do it." Rory said: "what did you do?" Jenny flipped her sonic screwdriver shut and put it away and smirked and said: "I'll tell you in a minute." They walked away. Rory said: "seriously, what did you do?" Jenny said: "I locked the doors from the outside. Dad's sonic screwdriver won't work on the doors. But mine will. But Dad doesn't know that. Either way, I'm not unlocking the doors until those two actually tell each other how they feel about each other. Frankly, you and I are doing them a favor. It was getting awkward." Rory said: "you still think about him. Your late husband." Jenny nodded and said: "yeah. I do. Thomas was an amazing man. He died from a sudden illness. I love him still. That's why I never remarried. Because I could never love another man the way I love him." Rory said: "if you met the right man, could you learn to love that man?" Jenny said slowly: "maybe. It would feel like I'm betraying him." Rory said: "Jenny, Thomas would want you to move on. I love you, Jenny. I've loved you since you knocked a guard out to save me by yourself." Jenny hesitated and closed her eyes. Rory waited patiently. When Jenny opened her eyes, she said: "Rory, I love you too." Rory said: "wait till your Father and Amy find out about us." Jenny smirked and said: "let's give them a surprise, shall we?" Rory said: "let's." Then Rory slipped his hand into hers and intertwined their fingers. Then they walked back to the TARDIS. Rory said: "Jenny, you should probably know that I don't die. I'm like you." Jenny said: "well that just makes it even more thrilling. You never know where the road ahead will take you. You get to see the galaxy with new eyes. That's what I love about traveling the galaxy. There's always something new to discover." As they approached the TARDIS, they heard pounding on the doors. Jenny grabbed her sonic screwdriver and flipped it open and fired her sonic screwdriver at the doors and unlocked the doors and opened the doors. John and Amy stumbled out of the TARDIS. They lay on the ground gasping for air. Jenny flipped her sonic screwdriver shut and put it away. Once John and Amy caught their breaths, John looked up and saw Jenny and Rory standing there hand in hand. He said: "hang on, am I missing something here?" Jenny smiled and said: "Rory and I are together." John said: "kinda figured that out like five seconds ago. You two are standing there holding hands. Bit of a dead giveaway." Jenny said: "how about you two? I'm guessing you two are a couple judging by the way you're holding Amy." John said: "yeah. We're a couple." Jenny and Rory looked at each other and smirked. Jenny said: "about freaking time you two actually got together! You two have been flirting with each other and practically tiptoeing around each other because you're afraid of being rejected. You two were walking on eggshells around each other. To be honest, it was getting bloody awkward. This whole operation was me and Rory's plan. We decided to put a stop to the awkward tension around here and get you two together. Dad, all I want is for you to be happy again. And you're like that when Amy is in the room. I'm okay with you two together. Besides I have Rory. For a long time, I couldn't remarry because I felt that to love another man would be betraying Thomas. But Rory helped me to see that Thomas would want me to move on. And after thinking about it, I decided that Rory is right. It is time to move on and love again." John smiled and said: "I'm glad to hear that." Suddenly they all heard a blood chilling voice say: "EXTERMINATE!" John instinctively pulled Amy closer to him. Jenny grabbed something from her belt and ignited it. Amy gasped and said: "is that a lightsaber?" Jenny said: "Dad, get Amy to safety. You too. Rory and I can handle these dimwits. Go!" John didn't hesitate. He grabbed Amy and pulled her behind him into the TARDIS and closed the doors behind them and ran down the hall with Amy. He pulled Amy into the library and closed the doors behind them and looked at Amy and said: "help me move the couch in front of the doors!" Amy said: "I see what you have in mind. You take one side and I'll take the other. On three. 1, 2, 3!" Then John and Amy moved the couch in front of the doors. Once they moved the couch in front of the doors, they sat down on the floor against the wall. They sat there in silence. Finally Amy said: "I hope Jenny and Rory are okay out there." John said: "Amy, my daughter was a General at the age of 24. She's led soldiers into battle. She even fought in the war to save my home planet. After the battle, Jenny and I helped the Gallifreyans recover from the war. That's how she got the TARDIS. She got it as a gift. Same with the lightsaber. I'm sure they're okay out there. Come here." Amy moved closer to John and laid her head down on his shoulder. John wrapped his arms around Amy and lifted her up onto his lap and took his trenchcoat off and wrapped it around them both. Amy cuddled up close to John and listened to the steady beat of his hearts and fell asleep with her head on his shoulder. John held Amy close to him and laid his head on top of hers and stayed awake while Amy slept. He let Amy use his shoulder as a pillow and silently prayed for Jenny and Rory. Meanwhile, Jenny and Rory stood hand in hand facing a Dalek. Suddenly an older version of Amy appeared and drove a sword into the Dalek. Then Jenny sliced the Dalek in half. She said: "Daleks: they're #2 on my list of annoying aliens." Rory said: "what's #1?" Jenny said: "weeping angel statues. Compared to them, Daleks are slowpokes." Older version of Amy said: "uh you two should probably look behind you." Jenny and Rory turned around. Jenny said: "shit. First Daleks, now weeping angel statues. Rory, whatever you do, don't blink. You blink and you die." Older version of Amy said: "Jenny, use your lightsaber." Jenny deactivated her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt and said: "I have something even better in store for these guys. I've only done it twice. Rory, I need you to let go of my hand for this. Both of you back up as much as you can without backing into a weeping angel statue." Then Rory and older version of Amy backed up as much as they could without backing into a weeping angel statue. Jenny felt a familiar feeling overtake her. She closed her eyes and didn't fight it. Older version of Amy said: "what's happening?" Rory said: "she's regenerating. It'll blow the weeping angel statues to pieces. I should probably call her Father and tell him what's happening."

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