Rebel Yell {Andy Biersack Love Story}

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Remmi Pierre;I'm 17 years old and I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. For the while I just want to keep living in the moment and just enjoy being a teenager before I have to grow up and get a job and stuff... It's just never appealed to me I guess. In fact,the idea of having to go out and work in an office to come home and do taxes and then go to bed only to start the process off again the next day really scares me. That lifestyle will never appeal to me,I prefer writing,music,anything creative really. My parents think differently though;My family consists of me,my mum Victoria, my dad Marcus and my younger brother Augustus. I guess we're the stereotypical nuclear family. My parents expect me to go to Cambridge when I go to uni and get straight A*s no questions asked for my whole life. I live in a stereotypical house in a stereotypical British neighbourhood in London.

Too bad I'm nothing like my parents want me to be.

I like tattoos,piercings,metal and the internet. I obsess over bands and stay up late writing stories and songs. As a result, I'm the...least favoured child to put it nicely but bluntly,they fucking hate me. They ignored me for almost a month when I came home one day with my current haircut, extremely short layers cut into my waist length hair which had been dyed deep purple complete with a black dip dye,bangs and coontails scattered throughout;I love it but apparently its "satanic" and "all because of that antichrist band you listen to" I know full well they were referring to Black Veil Brides but what did I care? I had better things to do than waste my breath arguing with them because they wouldn't ever change their mind.

I continued to race home, an unusual sight considering I'd usually do whatever it took to stay away from my house. Yes, I even joined clubs to keep out of the household.

See,in the choice of my mental health and my school grades, I chose school. Although this pleased my parents to no end, it's left me with pretty much every mental health shit under the sun. You name it, I've probably got it. Depression,social anxiety,anorexia,self harm and some strange named thing which basically means I hate just about everything about myself. Apart from my music taste, I like that.

I reached my house in 2 songs, a new record. I pulled out my headphones and hid them at the bottom of my crappy school bag, (I wanted a cool one from The Rock Collection but my parents weren't having that) and tied my hair back in a tight bun and pulled my bangs out of my face, the last thing I needed was an argument. Black Veil Brides tickets were going on sale at 4 and arguing would be wasting precious time. I rushed in in the hope I wouldn’t be seen and I could just sneak off to my room and not get bothered until the mandatory dinner at 5:30.

“Hello Remmi,” my mother addressed me formally. That was another thing about this family, no-one ever just chatted. It was just formal conversations like “How are you getting on at school?? HOW’S THE FUCKING WEATHER?!?” I didn’t want to deal with her bullshit tonight so I put on the fakest smile I possibly could and turned to face my mother who was dressed in a white button up blouse and knee length grey skirt. You’d think she was a headteacher or something but she really spent all her time at home cooking and cleaning.

“Hello mummy,” I replied as if I was in a pantomime or something.

“Did you have a good day at school?” she continued eyeing my appearance, probably taking in the heavy eyeliner and messy uniform, I’d stupidly forgotten to neaten up the stupid little blouse and tie and pull my skirt down a “respectable” level as she puts it.

“Yes mother,” I hesitated, remembering the hell Heather and her little possy of sluts had given me; no different to any other day, what did it matter?

I tried to make a quick break for my room but my mother caught me by the shoulder and pulled me round, “And Latin?”

“A* Mummy, as usual,” I told her firmly, a total lie if I may add. I’d got a B but for a posh private school their school system was pretty easy to hack into and change my grades and no-one had noticed as of yet. I looked at the fancy grandfather clock in the pristine corridor which clearly read 3:50. I was running out of time, “Must dash, lot’s of studying to do. Big English test tomorrow. Must prepare.” I ran upstairs leaving my mother at the bottom of the stairs.

I wished I could decorate my room with posters and stuff but mum wasn’t having any of that, it was a plain room with a large desk for me. Even the walls were a sickening cream colour which I’d grown to hate over the years, wishing instead for darker colours and song lyrics decorating my walls instead of a new loose exam calendars. I’d decorated my wardrobe as I pleased, being the one place my mother didn’t check. I opened the doors and was confronted with as many band posters as I could fit on both the inner doors. I pulled back my neat row of boring clothes to reveal my real clothes, mostly black and band merch. I loved it.

After choosing an Asking Alexandria t shirt paired with some ripped black jeans, I reapplied my makeup and re did my hair back to my preferred style. I quickly turned on my computer and loaded up the ticket website, 3:58; 2 minutes. Just in time. I breathed a sigh of relief as I refreshed the page as soon as it hit 4 and grabbed a ticket and paid before quickly confirming the payment, successfully securing myself a ticket.

I wish I had a friend to go with but the world wasn’t that kind to me. I walked the corridors of my posh crap school alone.

I slipped my macbook into my backpack along with a hoodie, some money, my phone and a few other necessities before quickly zipping it up and opening my window. I had an hour and a half before I had to be back and I wanted to do some writing away from the house. It really killed my muse being around so much boring.

I slipped down the drainpipe and began to make my way out of our fairly large garden. To be fair, our family was pretty well off, with my dad working in some classified but importance (he assures us) job to do with the Government or something, we had quite a lot of spare cash. Probably explaining how I managed to afford all of these expensive luxuries.

I walked straight for the little woods I spent a lot of my time in and followed the little stream until I found my little hut I’d constructed a few years back. It wasn’t anything special but it was a shelter from the rain and it blocked the wind keeping it pretty warm too.

I walked in and threw myself down on the various bean bags and blankets I kept in there and pulled out my laptop and opened a new word document. Pulling out a can of Monster from my bag I began to write peacefully until I heard a crunching of the Autumn leaves outside my little haven.

No-one had ever found this little place, considering I was in a darkened woods that no-one ever went to because they considered it to be haunted the fact that someone may have found my hideaway scared me.

Suddenly a head popped around the door and I cowered away into my laptop, the light from ti was illuminating the room and I heard the figure approach me and sit down in the cushions. I guess if it was a rapist/serial killer/both I would just have to accept my fate.

“Hey,” I heard a funnily familiar voice. I looked up and instead of being confronted with a pedophile serial killer, I was confronted with Andy Biersack, lead singer of Black Veil Brides.


Yeah guise part 1!! I hope you like it I just needed to get some feels out after spending waay too long reading these stories.

Hopefully there'll be a new part soon. I think I'm gonna start woring on it now <33

Tell me if you like it plss

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