Love isn't always fair

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“So I was thinking, since you still need to finish school, you can stay with us on the bus while we tour England then maybe we could pay for a hotel for you. How long do you have left?” Jinxx began after we cleared up the mess in the kitchen and I mentioned I needed to sort out what I was going to do.

“It’s only my A levels... I think the exams are in May then I’m done; that’s only a few months.” I replied, “I’ve saved a fair bit of money, you guys don’t need to pay for me.”

“We don’t have to but we want to.” Jinxx argued firmly. I gave him a quick hug as he was next to me.

“I basically have a week holiday now to sort myself out anyways.” I smiled, Andy looked at the floor.

“I’m really sorry.” he whispered.

“It’s fine really, I can move on with my life and be who I want to be.” I assured him, he smiled slightly before looking at his feet again.

“Go and get ready guys, your show is soon!” I insisted. They reluctantly left the sofas and went back to their rooms to get ready for the show. I relaxed a bit before pulling out my laptop and heading to Facebook, I didn’t even like FaceBook. I just wanted to know what everyone was saying about me.

Surprisingly, there wasn’t much of any interest to me. I guessed Sarah wasn’t talking, probably embarrassed. I laughed before turning back to my writing.

Andy’s POV

“Ask her out yet?” Ash asked as we all walked back into the bunk room to continue getting ready.

“Fuck off Ash.” I replied simply before continuing with my war paint. I may have been acting like it didn’t bother me but I really was asking myself the same question all the time; did I want to ask Remmi out? I was pretty sure she didn’t see me as anything other than a friend. A close friend at that, we spent a lot of time together. Almost every night I’d sneak out for a cigarette and find her out there. It gave us some time to chat and be in each other’s company without the guys breathing down our necks constantly harassing me about feelings I may or may not have.

I began to wonder if they’d asked Remmi.

“You don’t talk to Remmi about this do you?” I asked as I finished my eye makeup.

“Nah, your business. Though it is fun to tease you.” Ash smirked as he pulled on his leather jacket.

“Little Andy’s in lurveeee!” CC jeered. I glared at him.

“Hopefully this one will turn out better than the last ones.” he continued before realising what he was saying. That hit hard. I know my other relationships hadn’t worked out; Scout, Juliet. I picked up my jacket and left the bunk room. I wasn’t really that pissed to be honest, I just wanted the guys to feel bad for pestering me.

I went in the kitchen to find Remmi getting a glass of water, she had got changed completely and done her hair and makeup. She smiled at me when she saw me. I have to admit, she looked beautiful.

“Ready for the show?” she asked sipping her water.

“Yeah,” I replied going to sit on the sofa. Remmi had left her laptop out, it had her YouTube and writing open. I took a quick peak, we were friends after all.

Turns out her little YouTube thing was actually quite successful and her writing was amazing,she really didn’t know how talented she was. Remmi walked in to see me on her laptop and launched herself at the sofa and tackled me away from it.

In the space of about a minute, we’d managed to start a full on pillow fight. I hid behind the sofa hoping I could catch her by surprise but she suddenly popped around the side and thumped me with the pillow. We both fell to the floor laughing and this was when the guys decided to join us. Fucking typical.

Rebel Yell {Andy Biersack Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now