First Meeting

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Hey he said casually looking at me expectantly.

I went to say something but the words caught in my tongue again, I managed to stammer out a "hi" but that's all my mouth could say. I kept thinking of all the things I wanted to say, letting them run through my head. I wish I had the balls to say it,social anxiety has always left me tongue tied in these situations. My parents always just say I'm just shy and I just need to get over it but I can't get over the fear that I'm going to get judged for everything I am.

That's why I liked writing,whether it be stories or songs. It was my way of speaking when my mouth wouldn't.

"What you doing out here?" Andy finally broke the silence engulfing the little hut.

"This is kind special place..." I whispered into my screen.

"Oh..umm sorry...I'll leave if you want." Andy said quickly getting up.

"No. Stay,please Andy..." I trailed off as his face broke into a smile as he leaned back, slipping further into the deep abyss of pillows.

“Oh, you know who I am?” he asked his smile was just so perfect...

I nodded looking down at my BVB wristband, absent mindedly fiddling with it.

“Shy?” he looked at me sympathetically, which earned him an eyebrow raise.

“I wish it was that simple.” I said simply before closing my laptop lid and replacing it in my backpack. I pulled out my phone and saw that it was 5:30. Shit. I was late.

I jumped up quickly and began to pull my stuff together frantically.

“Did I do something wrong?” Andy pouted causing me to smile. As much as it would be easier not to get close to him, I found myself drawn to him.

“No. Sorry, just late.” I whispered.

“Ohh.. OK... Can I hang out here for a while? You’ve done it up pretty nice.”

I smiled and nodded quickly, continuing to pack up my possessions. Andy quickly grabbed my phone out of my hands and began to type. I just watched, unsure of what to do. He gave me back my phone and I saw that he’d added his number.

“Go, you’re already late.” he said, winking cheekily.

I smiled and made a quick dash for the exit and ran home as fast as I could.


Sorry it's short but I'm still writing so maybe the next part will be longer. It just felt right to end it here :3

Rebel Yell {Andy Biersack Love Story}Where stories live. Discover now