A Day Out

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I woke up at around midday, pretty early for me at the weekends, to an eerily quiet house. I guessed they’d gone out and began to busy myself with getting ready.

I settled for a BVB t shirt,some skeleton skinny jeans and a bright purple Midnight Beast hoodie. I quickly showered and got changed and mimicked my makeup from the day before. I let my hair dry naturally like I usually did, I was lucky to have naturally straight hair that fell they way I wanted it to pretty much every time. Luckily today my hair was on my side so I wouldn’t need to flatiron the hell out of it to get it to stay. I picked up my pre-packed bag and headed down the stairs to the front door where I found a note from my parents:

Gone out for the day. Try doing some more studying and get your grades to a more acceptable level instead of frittering all of your time away writing stupid stories and music.

~Mummy Daddy and Augustus x

I rolled my eyes before throwing the note down and locking the door. I put my headphones in and began to walk towards the town centre. I was meeting up with Andy again. It still wouldn’t sink in. I smiled to myself as I arrived at the town square and I found a secluded corner and began to make my way toward it. I pressed my back against the wall and slid down into a sitting position, hugging my legs. I pulled out a can of Monster and began to absent mindedly chew the edge of the can whilst drinking and writing on my iPad which I’d chosen to bring along for portability reasons.

I don’t know how long I’d been sitting there before a figure approached me and sat down beside me. I smiled when I saw it was Andy and put my iPad back into my bag.

“Hey,” I began quietly, everything I wanted to say still wouldn’t come out.

“Hey,” he smiled at me causing me to blush and dig my face into my can. I offered him some timidly which he accepted, tipping it back slightly.

“So... tell me about yourself.” he looked at me expectantly.

“What do you want to know?” I replied slightly louder than before. I knew it would take a while before I could speak to him properly but I didn’t want to waste any time I had with him in awkward silences.

“Everything,” he muttered causing me to raise an eyebrow. He began again quickly, “I mean.. umm... like.. what do you like?”

I laughed slightly,leaning further into the wall and told him about my writing and music. How my family pretty much rejects me and how I don’t really have any friends so my social life was minimal. I also mentioned my YouTube video making. I don’t know why I told him all of this. I’d only just met him but it felt like we’d been friends our entire life. I found I could speak around him without panicking, and I loved that.

He listened intently to everything I said, not once judging me. We talked for hours about bands, writing, anything that came up really.

Before I knew it, it was getting dark. I pulled my head up from Andy’s lap which was the position I had found myself in a few hours ago. He hadn’t complained. If anything, he seemed to like it, absent-mindedly playing with a few wisps of my hair as we talked. He looked at his phone and I saw he had a few texts from a Ashley asking where he was.

“I should probably head, I’m sure my family is back. Not that they really care about me, just for some reason they don’t really want me out.” I finally said not really wanting to break the comfortable silence which had happened.

“Damn, I was having fun.” Andy pouted slightly.

“Same here. Wanna do something tomorrow??” I asked hopefully.

“Sure I’ll meet you here again at say, 12? We could watch a movie or something?” Andy asked, looking me in the eyes.

“Sounds good,” I smiled, “Cya then I guess...” I trailed off packing up everything into my bag. We hugged quickly and I began to make my way back to my house, Andy back to his tour bus I guessed. We text the whole way.

I reached my house to see the familiar car pulled up in the driveway. They were back. It was almost 8pm so I knew I was not going to get off lightly.

“Where have you been?” my mother rushed to the door to catch me before I ran upstairs.

“Out with a friend mummy.” I replied simply.

“You don’t have friends though.” my mother stated. Way to boost my confidence mother!

“I only just met them, a few days ago.” I retorted before making my way up the stairs. My mother didn’t make any other attempts at conversation, shows how much she really wanted me in the house.

I went about my normal business in my room. Interacting with a few viewers of my YouTube and writing a few more short stories. Everything was going relatively well until my dad stormed in the door. I knew better than to ask him to knock which I would have done if it had been my brother.

“School says you’re averaging a B.” he said simply. I was so busted.

“Sorry daddy, academics isn’t my thing I guess...” I looked down to seem ashamed.

“You’re a disgrace to this family.” he spat venomously, “How dare you change your report to seem smarter. You’ll never do anything with your life you stupid little brat.” I felt my cheek burn from where he had slapped me. I was past caring. I just let it happen.

Eventually the bastard left me to peace. I ran to my ensuite bathroom and pulled out a razor from the bottom cupboard. Fuck how good my day was with Andy. My dad was right. I’m worthless.

I woke up a few hours later, a pool of my blood had accumulated around my wrist. I cleaned it with a cloth and slung my bracelets on, no longer caring. I walked to my bed and fell in a dreamless sleep.


Still writing coz It's the weekend so maybe there'll be a few more parts today <333

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