Chapter 1

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Y/N: Heads up!

I warned as our car drove over a pothole, and got shook, which caused my phone that I used as a navigator to fall down.

Luckily, Laura caught it in time and put it back in its place.

Y/N: Nice catch.

Laura: Thanks. Man, the roads got really worse, huh?

Y/N: I guess it's all part of the rustic summer camp experience.

Laura: Oh right, that's where we're going. I lost track like two hundred miles ago...

Y/N: Two hundred miles ago, huh? Right.

Laura: Yeah...

She reached back and picked up a map.

Y/N: What's that?

Laura: Yeah, yeah.

Y/N: No, but seriously, what happened to the normal map?

Laura: This is the normal map.

Y/N: The one on the phone.

Laura: No bars.

Y/N: Of course not.

Laura: Okay, so let's see. We are...

Y/N: We are?

Laura: Well, I guess they don't put summer camps on maps. Have you seen any signs for it?

My eyes were fixed on the map, trying to find out where the hell we were.

Laura: Hey, eyes on the road!

She warned me once she saw where I was looking at.

Y/N: Yeah-woah

I looked back to the road and saw someone in front of our car.

I tried to evade it by rapidly turning to the left, which caused the car to get off the road and roll down the hill.

I put my foot on the brake and tried to not hit anything, which wasn't an easy task.

Laura pushed the steering wheel to the left, preventing the car from hitting a tree stump.

I was able to finally stop the car, we were now at the bottom of the hill.

Laura: Holy shit.

I tired to start the car back up, but couldn't.

Y/N: I gotta check the engine, see if I can fix it.

Laura: Can I help with something?

Y/N: You can get the toolbox out of the trunk for me.

Laura: Yeah, sure.

We both got out and I moved over to the front of the car, opening the engine hood, while she opened the trunk and searched for the toolbox.

I don't know what's taking her so long, but I really need those tools.

Y/N: Laura? You got lost back there?

After some shuffling, she came over to me, holding the toolbox.

Y/N: Thanks.

Laura: You're welcome.

She put the toolbox down next to me and I got the tools out that I needed.

I looked up and saw Laura shining her phone's flashlight on the trees.

Y/N: What are you doing?

Laura: Just checking things out.

Y/N: Can you come over here real quick? I need your flashlight for a second.

Should've Gone To The Motel | Laura Kearney x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now