Chapter 4

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Laura: What are we going to do now?

Y/N: I don't know, wait, I guess.

Laura: Wait for what?

Y/N: Until he comes back.

Laura: And then?

Y/N: Try to find out what's wrong with me.

Laura: Yeah right, because it worked out so great last time.

Y/N: Do you have a different plan?

Laura: No...not yet at least.

Y/N: Neither do I.

Laura: He can't keep us here forever, right?

Y/N: Well technically, he can.

Laura: We didn't do anything, he just put us in here for nothing.

Y/N: But nobody knows we're here so, he can do whatever he wants.

Laura: We need to get out of here.

Y/N: Are you talking about some sort of epic prison escape?

Laura: I don't know about the epic part.

Y/N: I don't know about the prison break part.

Laura: Oh, so you just wanna sit here and wait until someone comes by and saves us? That won't happen.

Y/N: First of all I wanna find out what the hell happened to me last night.

Laura: He won't tell us for whatever reason.

Y/N: Must be something really bad then.

Laura: Don't say that. He's just acting mysterious.

Y/N: For what reason?

Laura: I don't know, maybe he likes it.

Y/N: Nah, something's really wrong with me.

About two months have passed since we got thrown into our cells, the pain came back several times.

I woke up again, not remembering anything, the Sheriff gave me my clothes back so I put them on again.

Y/N: When will this end?

Sheriff: I hope soon. We're working on it.

Laura: Who's we?

Sheriff: We're working on it, that's all you have to know.

He answered, leaving the room.

He remained just as cold as he was two months ago, his behaviour never seems to change.

Y/N: We're never getting out of here.

I said frustrated.

Laura: We will get out of here. Sooner or later.

Y/N: Maybe, this all just seems so...hopeless. I mean how long are we here already? Two months?

Laura: Somewhere around that, yeah. But hey, don't give up hope. We will get out of here.

Y/N: I think it's time to do it your way.

Laura: What do you mean?

Y/N: The prison break, let's do it.

Laura: Okay...I just have to find a way out of my cell, wait...maybe it's not a good idea to do that.

Y/N: Why?

Laura: What will I do if the "thing" happens to you again? I don't know how to treat that.

Y/N: Talking about the "thing". I don't know if you ever noticed but it only happens when it's full moon.

Should've Gone To The Motel | Laura Kearney x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now