Chapter 5

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When I woke up again, I heard Travis talking to Laura.

Travis: Why didn't you just run away?

Laura: I told you already, I won't leave Y/N.

Travis: You think I'll trust you because of that?

Laura: I don't care, I told you what I'm doing.

Travis: Turn around and put your hands against the wall.

Laura: Why?

Travis: I'm gonna search you for weapons.

Laura: Seriously?

Travis: I'm tired of arguing, just do what I say.

Laura: Fine, me too.

A few seconds later Travis spoke up again.

Travis: Alright, I'll brew some coffee.

He said, leaving the room.

Y/N: Laura?

Laura: Y/N, you're awake. Are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah, what about you?

Laura: I'm...fine, don't worry. Still looking for a way to get outta here.

Y/N: He asked you why you didn't run away, why? Did something happen while I was gone?

Laura: You destroyed the handcuffs, giving me the chance to look around the building.

Y/N: And? Did you find something?

Laura: No, not really.

Y/N: So we're still stuck here...Let's hope he still wants our help.

Laura: Yeah, we're gonna get out.

Y/N: How can you be so sure?

Laura: Because I know. We'll get out, I'll go to college and you will...

Y/N: What? I will what?

Laura: I...I saw the rejection letter in the trunk of our car.

Y/N: You've been poking around in my stuff?

Laura: I-no. You told me to get the toolbox and I just found it there. Why didn't you tell me?

Y/N: It doesn't matter.

Laura: It does, I'm your girlfriend, remember? Don't keep secrets from me.

Y/N: I was embarrassed...

Laura: Don't be. I just don't understand how that could happen, your grades were good and you wrote a great essay.

Y/N: Not good enough, I'm sorry.

Laura: You don't have to be sorry for that, sometimes things like that happen, we'll find a way.

Y/N: Let's first of all find a way out of here.

Laura: Working on that.

Travis came back with some coffee for both of us.

Travis: You're awake, how are you?

Y/N: I'm okay...thanks.

I answered as I picked up the cup of coffee.

He gave me my clothes back and a tablet.

Y/N: What's that for?

Travis: Watch the footage on it, take it as an education.

He said as he walked away.

I watched through the footage, which has been recorded through a camera in the room, while getting dressed again.

Should've Gone To The Motel | Laura Kearney x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now