Chapter 3

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I woke up in a whole different environment, being dragged by someone.

I looked to my left and saw some prison cells. I also noticed that I only had my underwear on.

Y/N: Where am I?

I asked confused, hoping to get an answer which I didn't.

I looked up and saw the cop from before, he was the one dragging me around.

Y/N: What are you doing with me? Let me go.

I demanded as I began to struggle, trying to get out of his grip, but failing.

Sheriff: Stop struggling, it's for your own good.

Y/N: You're trying to put me in jail? I didn't even do anything.

Sheriff: You'll see soon enough why I'm doing this.

He explained as he opened the cell and threw me in before closing it again.

Y/N: Why does everything hurt so much?

I asked, feeling pain go through my whole body.

Sheriff: It'll be over soon.

I had a feeling as if my skin was being ripped apart.

Y/N: Fuck! Help me!

Sheriff: There's nothing I can do now son. You have to push through on your own.

The pain became even worse. It got to a point where it was unbearable and then it ended.

I don't remember what happened after that. I woke up, still in the cell. A huge blood stain was on the wall outside of my cell.

I climbed up on the bed with a groan, looking around this small cell.

Laura: Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?

I looked to the right wall of my cell, where her voice came from.

Y/N: Laura?

Laura: Yeah, I'm here. How are you? Did he hurt you?

Y/N: I'm okay...I think. He didn't hurt me, but something weird happened. How are you?

Laura: I'm okay, don't worry about me. What do you mean by something weird happened?

Y/N: I don't know, I can't remember exactly.

Laura: Tell me what you can remember then.

Y/N: It was painful, very painful.

Laura: Where?

Y/N: My while body. It felt like my skin was getting ripped apart and then...everything blank after that. No clue what happened.

Laura: Holy shit, that sounds terrifying.

We heard steps coming down the stairs.

A door was opened and the Sheriff came in.

He went over to my cell and examined me, while pushing my clothes into my cell.

Y/N: Hi sir...thanks.

I said as I picked the clothes up and got dressed.

Sheriff: How are you?

Y/N: I...I'm okay, what happened?

Sheriff: You'll find out soon enough.

Y/N: Wait, what does that mean?

Sheriff: It means you'll find out soon enough.

He replied slightly annoyed as he stepped over to Laura's cell.

Should've Gone To The Motel | Laura Kearney x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now