The End

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We ran through the camp, hearing shots going off in the distance.

Y/N: Let's follow the noise.

Laura: You sure it's a good idea to run towards the shooting?

Y/N: Yeah, maybe they're shooting at the wolf.

Laura: I don't have a problem with hunting the wolf, that's what we came here for, but humans with guns might be a bit too much.

Y/N: Don't worry about it, they won't even see us coming.

We followed the noise and arrived at a bunch of huts.

I didn't see anything until Laura got jumped by something.

I turned around and saw a werewolf biting her arm, I shot it with my shotgun and it let Laura go.

It let out a growl before crashing down to the ground.

Laura: Fuck!

I helped her up and asked her if she's fine.

Y/N: Are you alright?

Laura: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks.

Y/N: No problem.

I looked over to one of the huts and saw its door being closed.

Y/N: They're in there!

I said as I stormed off to the hut and knocked on the door.

Y/N: Let us in.

???: Who are you? Go away.

Y/N: We're friendly. Let us in.

???: Then tell us who you are and what you want.

Y/N: We're counsellors, we're looking for Chris Hackett.

???: We don't know where he is.

Y/N: Where does he live?

???: That's none of your business.

Y/N: Let us in, we want to talk.

???: I told you to fuck off-

I shot the door's lock and entered the hut with Laura following behind me.

???: Stay there! Don't fucking move!

???: Woah, calm down Ryan!

A girl said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

Ryan: Calm down? They literally stormed the hut!

???: Ryan, maybe we really should just talk.

A guy said, coming closer to him.

Ryan: Back off Dylan.

Dylan: Woah, relax.

He turned to us.

Dylan: What do you guys want?

Laura: We need to find out where Chris Hackett lives.

Ryan: Why? What do want from him?

Y/N: We just wanna talk.

Ryan: Talk? Is that why you came in here guns blazing?

Laura: Someone had to take out the wolf and we did.

Ryan: This wolf might have been our friend Nick you assholes.

Laura: Well your friend shouldn't have attacked us then.

Ryan: You fucking-

???: Ryan!

Ryan: What Kaitlyn? They possibly killed Nick!

Should've Gone To The Motel | Laura Kearney x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now