Chapter 2

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Y/N: Phew, got really tense at the end, huh?

Laura: That guy was giving me major weirdo vibes.

Y/N: He was probably just being careful.

Laura: Yeah, two people lost in the woods are definitely a threat to him.

Y/N: I mean, you'd be on edge too, wouldn't you?

Laura: Yes- I mean, no. Probably not.

Y/N: Probably yes.

Laura: Whatever. Alright, let's get back on the road.

Y/N: Yes.

Laura: I think I've had enough woodland encounters for one night, thank you very much.

Y/N: Agreed, so where's this motel?

Laura: Okay, so we're here.

She pointed at a marked spot on the map.

Y/N: Mhm.

Laura: And the Motel is here.

She explained, moving her finger to a different marking.

Y/N: Okay.

Laura: But we're going here.

She now moved to an unmarked spot on the map.

Y/N: What's there?

Laura: Hackett's Quarry.

Y/N: How'd you do that?

Laura: I dunno, I kinda tricked him into showing me.

I chuckled.

Y/N: Very slick.

Laura: I know.

Y/N: But are you sure we shouldn't just get to the Motel? Just listen to this cop's advice?

Laura: Honey, you really wanna listen to the advice of some creepy ass cop, who told us in the middle of the creep ass woods to go to some creep ass motel?

Y/N: If you put it that, sounds terrible.

Laura: Yeah.

Y/N: Let's hit the road, shall we?

I suggested, putting my hands on the steering wheel.

Laura: That's what I thought.

Y/N: Ma'am?

I teased as I drove off.

She looked at me with a playful shocked face.

Laura: Oh my God, if he called me "Ma'am" one more time I was gonna shove that badge up his dickhole.

This made me crack up a bit.

Laura: Seriously, do I look like a "Ma'am" to you? I've got like twenty years before I'm a "Ma'am!".

Y/N: Mhm.

She looked back to me.

Laura: What?

Y/N: I mean...twenty is debatable.

Laura: Easy.

Y/N: I'm kinda into Ma'ams.

Laura: Okay, we're done here.

She said as she looked out of the window, making me laugh.

We arrived at the camp, about twenty minutes later.

Y/N: You gotta be kidding. There's nobody here. We drive all the way the fuck out here for nothing.

Laura: Y/N, can we just look around before we jump to conclusions?

Should've Gone To The Motel | Laura Kearney x Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now