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This chapter will be seen through the eyes of Albert.

Few hours before Tony and German got back to the village. Albert is sitting next to a campfire at the entrance of the bandit's cave.

God damn, it's so cold here. Why couldn't the bandits choose a warmer place to set up their base.

Screams and shrieks can be heard down the cave.

Tony and German must be killing left and right, I wonder how many are dead already. Heh this reminds me of when we used to play cod, they would go run around, stacking up kills and I… what did I do? Ahh right nothing! That's the beauty of it. I did nothing and they carried me to victory. I guess nothing changed then, even in a different world. Since they are just killing people it only stands to realize that I might as well take the spoils!

Albert begins looting some of the bodies at the entrance, gathering jewels, gold, and anything that looks remotely valuable. He ends up getting blood all over his clothes, exhausted, he sits next to the campfire again.

Tsk, these bandits are poor as hell! Who the hell are they targeting, they need to step up their game! Wait… they were robbing my village… damn, my village is poor. Is it even worth helping? Too late now, we're already here might as well help. Anyways it's not like I am the one working, I have Tony and German to thank for that. They should be done clearing this place in a bit. I guess I should start planning my next move, which is… I think, getting my original body? I mean this body is unless besides the fact that it's a nobleman's body. I already wrote the will for this body, so that once this body dies, his titles will fall to me. Only problem with that is the fact that the king knows me in my original body as the spy brought in by that bastard Leonidas. I could try to use the law against the king, if I could get the other nobles to side with me it might be possible. If I threaten them, it could work. Albert sighs. I'm starting to hate politics but it will be all worth it when I beat the shit out of Leonidas and humiliate the king, that bastard will regret trying to sentence me! To death! Hmm, it's been offly quiet. I guess Tony and German cleared out the cave already.

Steps can now be heard, approaching Albert

"Tony, German you're back quick. I guess the bandits were no match for you guys."

No response

"What, you guys mute or something?"

They must be feeling down for killing. Guess it can't be helped, they were hunting until not that long ago. Now they're hunting humans.

The steps stop, Albert turns around to see a giant man, he dwarfed Albert who was sitting down. He just stared at Albert.

What. The. Fuck.

"Hey big guy. Why don't you sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth. It's wa-"

The giant man crushes Albert's head with his hands.

That fucker just made it on list. Call me Hitler because am about to torture that dude as if he was a Jew. Now where am I? Where are my legs? Matter of fact, where's my body? Is this the after life.

Albert looks around, he sees nothing it's pitch black

I thought I was supposed to see clouds and a golden gate, after all I was such a good Catholic… ok maybe not good but I for sure ain't seeing fire. Is this real death, no second chance for my second life? …guess not.

"I won't forgive you, you killed my body so I will take yours!"

Albert turns around to see a apparition

Well I be damned, even in death I can't escape Wallace. He is probably the most pathetic person I have seen. Parents died young, were taken advantage of by gangs, got hooked on drugs, and in the end joined a demon worshiping cult. It's no wonder his manor was in shambles when I took over. The thing that really confuses me is if the dude is part of a demon cult why summon a spirit before a demon. I guess I will never understand but I really couldn't care less. If he is here, is this the afterlife, I mean our spirit is bound together so I can't tell.

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