Mountain Troll

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"Wait... Give me a sec"

"There's no way you're out of breath. It's barely been 10 minutes."

"Shut it"

Tony and German have begun scaling the mountain. They took on a quest from the adventures guild to hunt a mountain troll who's been wreaking havoc on the nearby settlements.

"Tony, look at this view... It's amazing"

Tony turns to see the beautiful scenery laid before them. From rivers to forests, it's like they can see the world from their height.

"German, didn't you say that we had only been climbing for 10 minutes."

"I did"

"So how is it that we made it this far up and it's only been 10 minutes. Tell me German how?" Tony voices comes out sarcastically.

"I may have exaggerated a tiny bit."

"German, how long have we been climbing."

"Oh, climbing. Well you know that we were mostly walking so."

"How long did it take us to get here."

"5 hours maybe,"

"You made me go on for 5 hours without resting!"

"To be fair I didn't think you would go on for this long without collapsing. I for sure thought you would give up and take a break."

"So you were waiting for me to collapse!"

"Hey, I ain't your mother. You can take care of yourself."


"Make sure to take care of your self properly. Ok?"

"Yes father, I will."

"Alright, remember I love you."

"Are you sure you can't stay. My birthday is in 3 days. Won't you stay, please?"

"Sweetie, I ...."

"Leonidas! Sir, the ship will begin sailing now. You are to board immediately."

"I be there shortly! Sweetie I have to go, don't worry I be back soon you'll see."

Leonidas gives his daughter a hug that seems to last an eternity. Only breaking up due to the constant shouting from the captain of the ship. As the ship sails off, Leonidas waves at his daughter until she is out of view.

'I must end this war as soon as the opportunity presents itself. I will come back.'

Leonidas daughter only five years old, watches her father go to war. She left with maids to take care of her until his return. Once the ship is out of view she begins to break down crying.


"Albert, I have a question."

"What is it Claris?"

Albert is in his office with Claris filling out paperwork. They often work in silence only saying the minimal amount of words. Therefore it is rare for Claris to even ask questions due to her being highly competent.

"Should Leonidas die, what will become of his daughter?"

"Are you worried about her?"

"She's only five, you seen her. No child should ever have to go through the loss of a parent."

"She has already gone through it though. What's one more."

Claris shoots Albert daggering eyes, long enough for Albert to stop writing and look up at her.

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