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2 months have passed, Wolo has arrived at the manor.

"My lord, how nice it is to see you again."

"I see, you're in good health. I wish we could spare some time but alas I must head to the palace immediately. I trust I can leave the manor to you?"

"Of course my lord, I won't let you down."

"Good, I best be off now." Albert gets on the carriage heading to the palace. 2 months have passed, Wolo wasn't the only one to arrive back in the capital. Every noble that departed has returned. This would be considered the second meeting of the Noble Court.

Albert temporarily called for the break of the court. The main problem being that now that the country was under control of the nobility, each noble tried to increase their own individual power. Albert united them but had no way to control them. The break was called for, as to give time to Albert to come up with a solution.

His thoughts ran rampant, 'If I use knowledge of earth, this situation isn't all that difficult to overcome. I just need to look to one of Earth's best public speaker. A man who united his people, even in the most dire of situations. Adolf Hitler, he created a common enemy. His people united when they believed they had someone to blame.

I already used that tactic, I made the king the common enemy, now he's dealt with, I just need another one. I know the perfect target.'

"Oh, King of men, behold! The chairman of the Noble Court, Albert De Dreadnada, doth make his entrance. Let us honor him with the dignity and respect befitting his station, for he is a man of great renown and distinction. May his presence bring wisdom and justice to our proceedings, and may his words be like honey, sweetening the discourse of all who hear them. Let us welcome him with open hearts and open minds, for he is truly a noble among nobles, and his deeds shall be remembered long after he has departed from our midst." the herald speaks, signaling for the guards to open the door.

Albert strides inside, stepping onto the slightly elevated circle in the middle of the court room.

'That was an exaggerated entrance but better for it to be over the top than underwhelming'

Albert looks to see the king seated where he was last time. Some nobles are annoyed by the fact that the king is sitting here, but it's just for show. The king looks malnourished. It makes sense, since they revoked the king's right to luxury. He might live in the palace but he has no servants.

"Brothers, I am glad to see you all in good health. As this is the second meeting of the Noble Court, it should be life changing."

Mumbling, happens across the nobility.

"My fellow nobles, we stand at a crossroads in our history. The winds of vengeance blow fiercely upon us, and we must rise to meet them with courage and conviction. For too long, we have harbored a bitter resentment towards a neighboring nation that once invaded us and failed, leaving us humiliated and weakened.

But now, that same nation faces internal strife and turmoil. They are weak and divided, and the time has come for us to strike a blow for justice and revenge. We must take up arms and invade their land, not simply to expand our territories, but to right the wrongs of the past and reclaim what is rightfully ours.

Some among us may hesitate, fearful of the costs and consequences of war. But I say to you, my friends, that the cost of inaction is far greater. If we do not act now, we risk allowing our enemies to recover their strength and once again threaten our sovereignty.

Therefore, I implore you to join me in this noble cause. Let us put aside our petty differences and unite as one, to seek revenge for the injustice that was done to us in the past. Let us vote for war, and let us wage it with all the strength and might that we possess.

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