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"I'm sorry. But trust me whatever you saw is not exactly what you thought. I could never hurt you. Not even in my dreams. Try to understand it chu. I---i can't live without you. I will die Jisoo" she was cracking up and tears were threatening to fall from hazel eyes. 

Jisoo...... Jisoo didn't knew what she should do? It's not just what she saw in the office. well that too but also because of what happened in her office with the Lee's.

*flashback of Jisoo's meeting with the Lee's*

"and I assure you that if you will give us the pleasure of working with us, we won't let you down. Kim corporations never let any of it's investors down." Jisoo said confidently while talking the plan with Lee's. They all nodded. Mr. and Mrs. Lee were smiling. seems like Jisoo has developed the trust on them.

she smiled and motioned her secretary to switch off the slide while putting her file down. They all clapped for her and her crew for their presentation. Mr. Lee stood up as well as his wife and they made their way to Jisoo.

"Miss Kim." he said politely with a kind smile. Jisoo smiled at him too.

"yes Mr. Lee?"

"I wanna say that you and your team have really did a hard work or to say a really hard work. and you know now what I'm thinking about this plan?" he raised a brow at her. Jisoo shook her head, her brows furrowing in confusion. 'were they going to reject this deal even after the amazing presentation she just presented?'

He chuckled "Miss Kim you made me think that 'to why not invest with your company?' you and your employees are really hard working and" he put his hand forward. A smile appeared on the raven's face and she accepted it quickly. "we are ready, gladly, to have this project with you." his wife nodded at his side with a smile.

"Thankyou very much Mr.Lee. I can assure you that you can count on us." Jisoo smiled and dropped her hands on her sides after the handshake.

Mr. and Mrs. lee left after it. Jisoo sighed happily and sat on her chair. when she was doing some work. Her secretary came in. 


Jisoo looked up at her and smiled "what happened Ryujin?"

"Mam actually a person has came to talk to you. I told him that he should have took some appointment before hand and that you are also very tired. But he said taht he just wants to talk about something really important and he will leave after that. So? should i send him in mam? Or should i say him to get out?"

Jisoo thought for a moment. 'what can be so important that this person wants to meet this urgently?' she sighed and told Ryujin to let him come in.

The man came in. he was dressed...... fine. like any normal person in a meeting would but his held some kind of...... smug and malice expression.

"Miss Kim. Thankyou very much for letting me meet you" his voice was dark.

Jisoo didn't find his aura good at all. But since she can't shove anything at his face she has to talk to him. After all she made him come in. she forced a smile

"It's alright Mister....?" she left her question in the air

the man laughed "No need of my name Miss Kim. Just think me of as your well wisher" 

Jisoo furrowed her brows in confusion and a little anger. "so what do want to talk about Mister well wisher?" she raised her brow, though now her aura was also a bit cold.

he came beside one of the chairs in front of Jisoo and asked "May I?" she nodded. he sat and began.

"Miss Kim. I don't think you should trust your girlfriend too much. You don't know when you can get hurt. right? who knows if she is fucking someone else right now?" Jisoo took a deep breath. her jaw visibly clenched and hands balled to fists. she asked coldly this time

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