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Mrs. Bello exited the discomfort of the car before it even parked
fully. Her brain was in overdrive and being confined in a car with her
husband, whose silence was more dangerous than a pointed gun was
almost running her insane. He had been quiet throughout the drive
home from Amara‟s party, with his gaze outside the window and she
knew that he was trying to come up with a logical explanation for her
actions in the party. She had been too obvious in that gathering and,
thinking of a logical lie to give her husband when he finally probes
her was a major worry. She did not even know what was scaring her
most right now.
She hurriedly entered her personal room and locked the door
before the senator thought about probing her but he did not seem in a
hurry to do that. She flung her purse onto the bed and started pacing
restlessly. No! It can‟t be! It just can‟t be! She wiped sweats of perspiration off her forehead. This had to be a great coincidence, she
thought shakily. Of everyone in the world, it can‟t be Amara! It cannot be HER!
“Oh my God!” she exclaimed and crumbled onto the bed. She rubbed her sweaty palms across her face before burying her head in it. Her mistake could not be closing in on her! Not now! Never! And
Alex? The pregnancy in Amara‟s womb? “OH God, it just can‟t be!!!”

                      <>20+ YEARS AGO<>
Katherine Bello arrived at the hospital, finally deciding to allay her fears before the situation got out of control and becomes
exceedingly obvious to all. She could not explain what the problem was, but heaven knows she definitely had her suspicions and it scared the hell out of her. The fear of the unknown had prevented her from going to the doctor because she did not want the doctor‟s diagnosis to tally with her instincts. As she was allowed into the
doctor‟s office, she prayed to heaven that her thoughts were wrong, because if not, she was in for deep shit.
“Hello doctor” she said as she entered the doctor‟s office and
sat down instantly, to hide her shaking legs. She was using a hospital distant from home now, so this was not their regular family doctor.
She could not afford to risk it.
The doctor smiled. “Good evening ma‟am, how may I help you please?”
Mrs. Bello sighed softly. “I have been feeling somehow lately, for some weeks now to be precise. I expected it to go away so I
ignored it but it is not going away” she said, beating about the bush.
The doctor nodded, with her professional look firmly in place.
“Can you explain the symptoms you have experienced?”
Mrs. Bello nodded vigorously. “Erm…I am sure it is nothing serious. Just some feelings of dizziness, desire to eat all the time and also irritation and nausea” she rambled. “I mean, I don‟t erm… feel
nausea or urge to vomit all the time, just once in a while, it can even be overlooked… I hope it is nothing serious”
The doctor smiled and her eyes seemed to probe Mrs. Bello like her eyes alone was enough to carry out the needed examination. She smiled further. “I think I know what the matter is” the doctor said.
“But since I am sure you don‟t expect me to „think‟, I would call someone to run a test on you. The results would be out within minutes, so it would not take long” she said, frightening Mrs. Bello.
She swallowed. “Are you sure I don‟t need to come back?” she asked nervously.
“No! The results of the test would be out very fast” the doctor assured. She picked her intercom and called a nurse, who appeared almost immediately. The doctor gave her a few instructions which Mrs. Bello did not listen to as her mind raced on the possible outcome  of the test. With stiff legs, Mrs. Bello followed the nurse into the lab where the test was carried out.
Mrs. Bello sat in the waiting room, looking at the ticking hand of the wall clock. She had never been so frightened in her life. Her
brain rotated on whether or not to leave. She could not afford to have
her instincts right because only doom was hers if the result of the test
proved that she was indeed pregnant. She stood up and she turned towards the door to leave, a nurse called her.
She turned with a shaky smile on her face.
“The result is out ma, you can go in now” the nurse said. “Were you about to leave?”
She shook her head, ignoring the question. “That was fast, are you sure it is ready?” she had turned as pale as sheet.
“Yes. Please, come with me ma”
The nurse led her back to the doctor‟s office where she hastily sat her pale form. Without wasting time, the doctor declared. “This is
the test result” she gave her a brown envelope. “My assumptions were confirmed” she smiled affectionately. “Congratulations ma, you
are three months pregnant”
The news landed like an atomic bomb, rubbing her of her speech. “There… there must be a mistake” she stammered shakily.
The doctor frowned. “There is no mistake. This should be good news, are you not married ma?” the doctor asked, looking from the
patient‟s pale face to the ring on the left hand. Mrs. Bello totally ignored the doctor and stood up, leaving the office without a backwards glance.

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