Chapter 9

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Joshua's Pov

She looked so cute blushing, red cheeks with embarrassment. I could only smile at the beautiful creature God gave me. We were talking and laughing about our past children's stories, turns out she was a chubby baby.

The waitress came swinging her hips because that was not swaying. Smiling at me with lipstick and makeup plastered on my face. I mean she could be the topping of a birthday cake better yet a Halloween cake. I stared at her dumbfounded. She kinda scared me, her clothes were so tight I was actually wondering if she could breathe even though a couple of her buttons were open at the top of her blouse. 

I think she was trying to show me her boobs am not sure. Well now I understand why she was swinging her hips now, she couldn't walk properly. 

I saw her smirked at me which made me frown because I caught up on myself that I was actually staring. She might think I am interested. Then what would my princess think? I looked at her and she was watching me. I felt so guilty. 

I smiled and held down my head. The waitress "hi there. My name is Bell( she outlined her name tag pinned next to her exposed boobs. Here is you menu would you like anything to drink before you order?" She smiled, never taking her eyes off me once. I penetrated my eyes on Yasmin " ahh baby would you like anything to drink" "hmm i'll take a lemonade,  pink lemonade please" " okay babe, and I will have some red wine" "no you will take a natural drink or a lemonade as well" Yasmin said I looked at her and shook my head "ok baby, but why not?" "It's too early for a drink" "okay you heard her two lemonade". 

"Bell looked displeased but quickly covered it "sure coming right up, but I do think that the man should order what he likes or wants." "Well bell that's not for you to decide is it?" Yasmin stated simply "no it is not, I will be right back with the drinks" he frowned and left. I was smiling so hard by then. 

Yasmin looked at me "why are you smiling like an idiot" "well am an happy idiot, I loved the way you put her in her place just now." "Well let her fawn over you when I am not there, I want a peaceful lunch today." I kissed her hand and held it while I looked through the menu. 

A couple of minutes later the bimbo came back with the drinks. Bell "here are your drinks' ' and winked at me this girl doesn't take a hint. 


"Thanks you can go now" I started not looking at her. I could feel her glare at me but I could care less really. But she was still standing there staring at Joshua in a seductive way that is kinda scary even though he is not paying her any attention. "Okay let's just order so she can leave because it seems she wants something to do. I'll take a well cooked steak with mashed potato please" I handed her the menu. Josh said" I'll take the same but with rice instead" he gave her the menu. She tried to touch his hand while taking it but he pulled his hand away quickly and held his drink looking away from her. 

We chatted for a bit until food came she gave out plates and turned to Josh "hey, if you would like to hook up I would be available. Anytime you get tired or annoying of her" she said slurring her voice and pushing her boobs out "ah no thanks i'm good with my wife at least she is not a slut" he said turned his head "well I may be a slut but I can make it worth your wild" she just never quite do she. I couldn't take it any more " listen up bitch he said no take a hint and know when you're not wanted" "ah am talking to him not you" bell said facing me "oh really just now he did mention am his wife, so if you want to keep your job you would fuck off. On second thought here is something for you" I stood up and started speaking loudly " if you don't mind we are leaving, seeing you are rude, bitchy and just don't know when to quiet and don't worry we will leave a good tip for you because we all know it's the money you are after. The bill please?" She gave us the bill and we left. Little did I know that there were paparazzi outside taking our pictures. We left, I went home and he went back to work. The next day after he left the doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door and stood there looking, just frozen in place shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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