chapter 1

54 5 17

Started somewhere around January or February of 2023...

Remus curled up under his covers, though he was nine he was still scared of the dark. It was worse as a wizard child, when you knew ghosts, gouls, and werewolves actually existed. They could pop out of anywhere. He looked to the right of his bed and thought he saw a taller boy with short windswept hair, but at a second glance the boy had gone. Sometimes he saw weird things, he hated them disappearing the instant they appeared though. He tucked himself in tightly in response to the noise whispering by outside. It's just wind, but how can you be sure? He closed his eyes to block out anything he would see in the darkness surrounding him. He thought it was fairly better than being able to know if something was actually coming for him.


The morning light waved uncomfortably over his eyes. He sat up slowly, groggy because of the miserable hours spent cowering in the dead of night. He got up and dressed for his school day, pausing only to criticize himself. His school was fairly weird, as there were only twenty children who attended. And somehow they fit years 2-6.(1st-5th grade) He was homeschooled his first year.(grade K) He knew, and was friends with all twenty kids who went, but he only hung out with one on a daily basis. Kenny. Though Kenny was a muggle, and after 6th year Remus would never see him again, it was hard to ever imagine that just moving schools would ruin their friendship.

"Mum, are you sure that father will be home before bedtime?" Remus asked expectantly,"he said he was going to take me on a walk with Ken."

"He'll be home before bed dear," she complied exhaustedly, waving a dismissive hand, ultimately making what she had said seemingly less certain. She was leaning over a letter that was her written response to another that had arrived by postage owl."do you have your homework for Mrs. Johnston? Don't want to forget it do we?"


The school day was no different from others, math, english and science classes making the day more boring by the minute. Honestly what's the point? The whole day is wasted with useless muggle nonsense, that none of the wizarding community used. Remus leaned as far back into his seat as possible, craning his neck over the back of his chair so that he was facing the ceiling. He didn't know why his mother hadn't just let him stay home some days. So what if the neighbors start asking questions? Just tell them I didn't feel well. he was lost in thought about big furry misshapen dogs when he was snapped back to reality. The teacher wanted him to answer a maths problem on the board.

By the time school ended, he had almost expected his father to be home already. When he burst through the door it was the first thing he had asked. But no, Remus's father was still slaving away at the Ministry. He did something with scary creatures, that's all Remus knew. He sat at the door all day, with no sign of his father's arrival. When his mother beckoned him away from the door that night he was too angry to think about the things that might live under his bed. His mother turned the light off and tucked him in.

"Sweet dreams, dear, I love you. And remember if you have a nightmare or you get frightened, my door is right across from yours." She added, knowing all too well how worked up Remus got. He could see it in her face. He hated when his mother made such bold assumptions. He rarely even came to her room in the middle of the night.

"Love you, mum. Remember to scold dad when he gets home. I miss hanging out with him, why can't he just take a day off?" Remus complained, mainly to himself as his mom left the room with no more of an answer than a slight nod of the head. The light going out with the absence of her presence.

Remus sat in the dark, paying no mind to the lumpy shapes in the dark. He was livid, the anger was slowly building up in an uncomfortable firey ball in the midst of his back. I mean he just up and ignored his promise he made with me, and made work his priority. he was so angry that he wanted to cry. Or.... Was that anger? Remus didn't know, but he didn't really care either.

It wasn't till he heard a noise, almost like scampering, outside that he had realized how unprotected he was. He wasn't covered by his blanket and he had been resting his legs over the edge of his bed.

Even the closet was wide open, his toys splayed creepily, deep within. He scrambled back into his bedsheets, covering himself with such force that he had accidentally hit himself painfully in the middle of his own forehead.

He was, for once, actually curious about the noise. He pushed himself carefully towards the window peering just over the sill. Must be father Remus thought. He was more intrigued than angry now, what would mum say to him? Did he regret his decision to put work first? What did he even look like?

Even though it was a pointless question, he felt satisfied asking it because it really did feel like his father was some stranger who looked different every time Remus saw him. He decided to open the window a crack so he could try to smell the gas clouds that lingered behind his father's car.

What had happened next, played out way to quick to remember in too much detail. Remus fell to the ground as something heavy had fell on him. He heard a loud growl as his arm pulsated, with a bleeding pain. It was unbearable, and hard to concentrate on as the back of his head was sore from falling down with such force. It wasn't till Remus opened his eyes that his heart had dropped from his chest, in those few split seconds prior a furry monster had broke through the window and attacked him.

Remus let out a scream of terror, the fear coursed through him, tossing away any pain he had felt previously. All he wanted was to be back in his bed, or in his mom's arms, or even back at school. The sight of the creature repeatedly digging it's two inch teeth into his streaky scarlet skin was sickening. The previous holes in his skin looked like they had no end, with a deep rusty red colour on the inside while spilling out an unnatural and vibrant scarlet colour. It only sent more fear clogging through his chest and mind as he thrashed about with the heavy monster pinning him to the ground.....

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Also this is the story cover!

Also this is the story cover!

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