Chapter 6: Demons Bruise (2ndyr Pt2)

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TW: A tad gory at the start! Be warned!!

His dreams haunted of this giant muscly bunny with stag horns, it should have been funny but it wasn't. It was humanoid in structure and had raging thorns popping up from it's ginger red fur on its back. It had hooves of a goat, and it was beating him up relentlessly. Remus couldn't breathe under the many blows, but it stopped for a second. He took a wincing second before thinking it was safe to exhale through his mouth.

Remus inhaled through his nose and a putrid smell clogged it. He spluttered as he couldn't get in enough air through the upsetting aroma. His eyes shot open, only to be blinded by the searing white light around him.

"Am I dead?" Remus asked uncertainly, still gagging and coughing. Feeling numb to the bone.

"Oh, of course not dear." Rose a woman's voice from somewhere above him. Remus choked as the scent grew ever more worse.

"What even is that?" Remus rasped, sneering in disgust. It was only then that the woman grew into focus from the tear drawing lights. She had curly blonde hair and- oh it was just Madam Pomfery. Was he in the hospital wing then?

"Poximane dear, it heals up-" Madam Pomfery paused as though she was considering which wire she should cut to diffuse the bomb."It heals up deep wounds, better than any other solution. Lucky we had it on hand..."

Remus shot up in bed, mistake as his whole body stung with fire searing pain. He winced and looked at his naked body. His blood drained from his face, but not only there, because blood was gushing from holes so deep he could see some of his organs. He wanted to scream but it got caught somewhere in his throat. Organs, blood, gashes, and terrifying holes, were everywhere-- His eyes filled with tears and they fell down his face. The last time he saw nearly this far down into his body was three years ago.

"Wh-" Remus started but Madam Pomfery laid his head back and muttered an incantation. Before he knew it the world went dark and foggy.

But the image of his intestines protruding from his flesh in unnatural ways burned into his retinas. He was going to throw up when he came back to reality, but for now he was gliding through his own head, more peaceful than a baby.


"A jackalope? It's a surprise they all made it out alive!" A shrill croaky voice boomed from the other side of the room.

Remus's eyes popped open, couldn't be.. or could it? It was almost like he was forgetting about the scene he saw before he was sedated. Almost. He stifled the gags and pushed the gruesome images to the farthest corner of his mind that he could.

He searched for the person he was looking for, but no one was in the room with him. It wasn't until another voice chirped up that he knew he was right.

"Eugenia-- Er Minister, was it necessary for you to come out here over a little jackalope?" The voice was male, it was quiet too. It had a cool charming note hidden in each word; the words were drawled.

"A little jackalope?!" The minister shouted, bemused. "That doesn't stop this boy from having a death sentence, newly ordered from Satan himself."

Remus thought she was being a tad dramatic.

"But those are just old wives tales! Jackalopes aren't really the devil's.... Horcruxes...." Sounded the man from before, now sounding... anxious?

The minister scoffed. "Whatever you think, Canek, we just have to wait for the boy to wake up. And, Canek, don't mention his illness to him, I know how you are."

Remus felt his stomach shift uncomfortably, he knew which illness he had, but she couldn't be talking about that. But then again he couldn't think of any other illness that he currently had.

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