Chapter 4: Hoggy Warty Hogwarts ✨

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The owl sitting on the window sill outside was pecking the glass with it's sharp beak, if Remus wasn't used to this he'd fear the window would break. The 2 foot owl was holding a thick parcel in it's mouth, Remus was easily able to identify his favorite owl, for it was an Eurasian eagle owl. He half hoped it was an acceptance letter, even though he would love to prove his parents wrong, he wanted to learn magic as much as he did before the incident.

His father must've seen his expression because he turned around like there was a flesh eating slug creeping towards him. After realizing there was nothing but the postage owl, Remus's dad unlatched the window to let the owl inside. His dad took the thick envelope shaped parcel and inspected the writing on it, letting the owl fly back out the window. Soon his father walked towards him, holding the parcel just within Remus's reach.

Remus took the parcel and didn't dare to look at it just in case he was wrong, he tore the envelope open, staring just above it at the redwood floors. He then decided to take a slight peak at it, the writing in deep green ink wrote:

To: Remus John Lupin
From: Honeydukes
The house on...

He had suddenly felt a sense of shame, and grief. It was obvious he was never going to go to a wizarding school, had his parents convinced him that there might be hope? Or was he growing delusional with the unbearable pain meddling with his sanity. He opened the envelope, and pulled out a large bar of chocolate. His heart fluttered at the sight of his weekly bar of chocolate, he knew it wouldn't do anything, but his new fascination with chocolate was linked with the fact that it was poison for dogs.

Remus broke of a piece of and put it in his mouth, he concentrated on the flavor instead of the looming feeling of despair trying to reap him over. He didn't know why he was so convinced he got a letter of admission, it kind of brought him back to reality, reminding him of how he'll be an outcast forever.

"I'm heading upstairs, I'll be down for dinner." Remus sighed as he stood up from the creaking couch. He started walking up the stairs when there was a loud BAM right behind him. He turned on the spot to see another owl, this time a barn owl, flying around the house and the slightly cracked window and it's sill.

There was an even thicker letter on the ground than the one he had just opened. Remus rushed back down the three steps he had just climbed to pick up the letter. He glanced at the name, and started to walk towards his dad when he took a double take at the name. He had to make sure he wasn't being delusional. And, to his surprise, it really had said his name. Still frozen in mid walk, his heart fluttered excitedly.

The outside of the letter read, in this time a more vibrant emerald green ink:

Mr. R. Lupin
Second floor third door on the right
A house with redwood floors
Yew-wood road

Remus thought this description seemed a little vague, and was slightly confused on how the owl understood which house it was going to, but tore open the letter trying not to savor anything Incase he was going to be disappointed.

There was a note of paper, stained yellow with age, lying just beneath the envelopes doors. He tried to contain the excitement that grew inside his chest with every word he read of the letter. He was so absorbed in reading it he barley noticed his father's confused attempts to read the letter making Remus so wide-eyed. The trapped owl still swooping frantically around the house.

The yellow stained paper shivered beneath his hands, or was Remus just quivering with excitement? He didn't know. But the letter, after being read over a dozen times, Remus was sure that it had said what he thought it did.

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