Chapter 3: Brutal Truth

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Remus woke up with his face meeting closely with the ground. He lifted his head firing up an immediate pick right in the side of his head, or well that's what it felt like. Remus gazed around the room he was in. Admiring the slight daylight creeping through the tiny window rested high above him on the wall. As he took a closer look at the large concrete room, he noticed dark sticky blood smearing the walls and floors of 'his' cell like room. He gasped and brought himself up, though it was ever so slowly he rised. He felt like every muscle in his body was sore. Remus noted that there were clothing scraps on the ground, and that he himself was mostly naked. Remus limped around, searching for the injured person who bled the many smears on the walls and floor--Get this it was on the ceiling too--When he finally finished the worthless search, since he could see all four ends of the room. He sat and contemplated what had happened the night before.

He had felt extremely dizzy the night prior, and gazed on through the corridors with short memory. He felt like every cell was exploding before he found himself on the ground. What had happened? Why is there blood all on the walls, and clothing scraps on the floor? He felt very stupid, and unobservant as he tried searching for an answer.

Suddenly, the door in which he assumed he had been thrown through before the immense pain, had a little door on itself open. There was a pair of eyes staring at Remus sitting directly across from them. A chill went down Remus's spine.

"You poor boy...." The eyes murmured. "Oh no! Dear boy don't freak out, but your bandages didn't make it through your transformation.." they gasped and continued on breathily.

The door made several simultaneous loud groaning noises, and when the shrieking ceased the large metal and seemingly overprotected door dragged open. A girl, whose eyes matched the ones Remus saw in the door, ran forward on her comically stubby legs supporting her chubby body. She bent over Remus who finally paused to look at his arm, which had indeed been drenched in sticky dark blood. The disgusting thing is, the blood wasn't even dry. It was moving swiftly over his skin like regular blood would, but smelled just as metallic as dried blood. The healer girl leaned in closer to his arm and started wrapping it in bandages that came from a package labeled 'quicki-heal Burnie's magical bandaging' but Remus had a feeling it wasn't going to do much for his wolf bites.


Remus cried when he realized he would have to go through that horrific series of sensations, three times every lunar month. He thought that he might have to get used to crying, as he ached horrifically and knew it was only going to get worse as the night aged and morning brought on even sore-er muscles.

For the next two years of his life he started being homeschooled and moved far away from his friends. He cried everytime he transformed (more than once) and he hated the way his parents just assumed he was okay being forced into a life only knowing your parents with A- A- he didn't know how to describe it but it was like being sad but scared over A- a painful memory? That's probably the best Remus could put it. His parents were probably most concerned about him not being able to go to wizarding school, but Remus just thought what's the point if I'm not allowed to make friends anyways.


One day, well Remus's 11th birthday, somewhere around the beginning of March Remus was sprawled over his couch when his dad (who had spent more time at home since the incident he failed to intercept)  came running into the room asking if we had gotten any mail. Remus rolled his eyes, his parents still had a twinge of hope that he might still be able to go to school. Him? He who has the mark of wolves? Remus liked making dramatic names for the many, many scars on his left arm. There was no way they'd let someone like him head to a school of magic and magic, height hurt the other students there.

"No, dad, I haven't gotten any postage from owls saying 'Mr. Lupin has been accepted into blah blah blah' and it's never going to happen." Remus breathed, his voice was flat with only the short emphasis on the acceptance part.

"Now, just because you have all those scars of yo--" his mother called from the kitchen

"Mom, 148 scars. If your going to make a point, at least get it right instead of playing it safe by referencing all of them. I say get it right or shut it tight." Remus sniggered as his father looked baffled and betrayed from his spot Infront of the window.

"Okay, okay-whatever 148 scars. But it still doesn't change the fact that you don't have to be upright disrespectful just because you're 'a little different'" his mom's voice sounded from the kitchen again.

Remus sat up straight and looked towards the kitchen door with fury emitting from his eyes. He was sure that if his mother had walked out her hair would have burnt right off with the force of his gaze. This was one of the times where he felt his mother and father had no understanding of him at all. A little different? Just being a kid with a disease that made him a monster. A kid who was both afraid of the dark and the moon, who had no idea why or what his emotions were. A kid who loved talking to people but his parents didn't allow him to for some shut up reason. Some kid who was going to be an absolute outcast no matter what he did anymore. No, not different at all.

His attention turned towards the the tapping on the  window behind his father. Remus's gaze softened and turned confused as he gazed outside. How, how could- why? Why would- No, who on earth in their right mind would- Wait was he just assuming? Would they really?....

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