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Edmund, Lucy and Eustace left Narnia and returned to their Aunt's house. Saddened, but at peace with their lives in Narnia being over, Lucy and Edmund set about living their lives in England.

A month passed and they were enjoying their time at their aunt's. Eustace was being good to them, and Peter was released from hospital.
"Edmund! Come see who's here," Lucy called and Edmund came downstairs.
"Peter," He said joyfully.
"Hi Ed."
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm doing well," Peter said and Edmund hugged him carefully. "Argh."
"It's ok."
"You've been discharged?"
"I have."
"Peter. You look tired," Eustace said as he appeared.
"He's been in hospital," Lucy told him.
"What for?"
"I was shot."
"Oh dear. Well, it's a good thing that you're still alive."
"It is. Thank you."
"We're all very relieved Eustace," Edmund told him and Eustace smiled.
"Indeed. I'm glad that you're alive cousin."
"Thank you. How was Narnia?"
"You remembered."
"How could I forget? Aslan was here."
"Aslan? Where here? And when?"
"When I was in hospital."
"We're not going back," Lucy told her brother.
"I'm sorry Lucy."
"It's alright. As you said, it's not how I expected it to be," Lucy said and Peter hugged her.
"Can I get you anything?" Edmund asked him.
"A seat and some water."
"Come on," Lucy said. Edmund went into the kitchen and Lucy helped Peter to a seat.
"Are you sure that you're well enough to be out of hospital?" Eustace asked Peter.
"The doctor declared me fit and I'm not willing to set a foot back inside that place."
"Fair enough."
"Is that ok Peter?"
"It's great. Thank you Lucy."
"Here you are Pete."
"Thanks Ed," Peter said as he took the water and his siblings sat down. "Tell me about Narnia."
"We were in Eustace's room having an argument..."
"As always."
"When I saw the picture. It started to come alive and..." Lucy explained.

Peter stayed for two days before he caught the boat to America to join Susan. Edmund and Lucy waved him off at the docks before joining Eustace doing grocery shopping.


Edmund joined the war two years later, only for it to end 6 months later (much to his family's delight). The professor invited them to his home for a celebration and the Pevensies immediately agreed.

Peter healed and a miracle came when their father was identified as being in a military hospital in southern France. He came home and the Pevensies family was whole once more.

Lucy became a devout Christian and she trained to be a nurse. Edmund and Peter both went on to fight for their country by joining and Navy and RAF respectively.

Susan lead a life away from public duty, but in all their lives, they never forgot Narnia or Aslan, and everything that they had done for them.

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