Scp duck (pt2)

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Here's part 2 😍😍
When Schlatt woke up to find the duck happily asleep on his chest he smiled and kissed the top of his head.
When Schlatt left the room to get coffee he saw Wilbur again, "Wow you kissed the top of his head."
"How the do you know I did that."
"I volunteered to watch the cameras for a reason Schlatt." Wilbur chuckled, Schlatt rolled his eyes and drank his coffee, Schlatt was on his phone before hearing faint cry's that sounded similar to Quackitys.

Schlatt quickly ran to Quackitys room to see another doctor using a tazor on the duck, Schlatt ram into the room and pushed the other docter out the room.
He turned his attention to Quackity who was curled up into a ball crying like his first day there, Schlatt immediately hugged Quackity, "Hey it's okay Q I'm here..." Schlatt comforted Quackity and helped him with his pain, Schlatt placed Quackity on his bed, "I gotta go check on some other scps real quick will you be okay by yourself?" "Can you just stay...?" Schlatt nodded and sat next to Quackity who quickly hugged Schlatt.

After Schlatt got Quackity to calm down, the smaller one pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Schlatt, it was a drawing of the two. The taller male smiled, "Do you like it?" The smaller asked, "I love it." Once Schlatt said that Quackity smiled widely and hugged Schlatt, Wilbur then walked in, "Hey sorry to ruin your gay moment but I need a blood test from Q." Schlatt stared dagger at Wilbur while Quackity hid behind Schlatt. Wilbur chuckled and took the shot once Quackity let him, "Don't have to much fun now" Wilbur chuckled as he left, Schlatt stuck his tongue at Wilbur and hugged Quackity. The duck giggled and hugged him back, Schlatt kissed the top of his head causing him to turn bright pink. Schlatt chuckled and patted Quackity on the head, "Your adorable."

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