- 일곱 -

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Kyungsoo looks especially handsome today, and it's making Jongin even more distracted than usual. He is kind of listening still. Mostly because he loves the sound of Kyungsoo's voice, sure, but in the process of listening so closely for personal pleasure, he's actually picking up most of his lecture on the end of the Joseon Dynasty. And that reminds him of how intelligent and well-spoken Kyungsoo is, which only makes him that much more dreamy in Jongin's eyes. 

As his face begins to slide off the palm of his hand, he catches himself making a noise that sounds a hell of a lot like a moan. He instantly jerks out of his trance and straightens his neck, carefully looking around him in fear that someone sitting near him heard it. But no one really reacts except when they catch him looking at them, so he's pretty sure he's in the clear for whatever noise he just made. He clears his throat in a horribly unsubtle way and drops his eyes back down to his notebook. 

"Then finally, Lee Wanyong, the prime minister, was forced to sign over control of Korea in place of the emperor in 1910," Kyungsoo says, pointing at a part of the board with the closed marker. He spins around to look at the class, some students looking back at him intently but most of them trying to copy down notes from the board. "This marked the start of Japan's strict, 35-year reign. I'd go into more detail, but none of that would be on the final, and as I said at the beginning of the semester, I prefer to use our time together wisely. Speaking of which, if you haven't already seen the final exam schedule that was recently posted, please make sure you do so sooner rather than later. That way if you have any specific questions or areas of concern, I can better help you. Does anyone have any general questions now?"

"Will everything from this semester be on the final?" one student asks after raising her hand. Jongin looks back at Kyungsoo, eyes slightly widened in concern. Their private tutoring sessions have definitely helped him, but he doesn't think his brain could hold on to that much information for one test.

"No, it'll pick up where the midterm left off," the elder answers, allowing Jongin and a few other students to sigh in relief. "Come on, guys. I'm not that cruel, am I?" 

A short burst of laughter fills the room, and Jongin's own smile widens when he notices the small corner one on Kyungsoo's face. He's been seeing that smile a lot more as of late, and he's most definitely not tired of it yet. In fact, he's almost completely erased the image he used to have of Kyungsoo--cold, unapproachable, intimidating--and replaced it with a much more colorful one. He hopes Kyungsoo feels more comfortable around him now, too, something their side conversations about poetry and their other interests would definitely support. However, he also doesn't want to jump the gun and jinx anything. Besides, the man is technically still his teacher, and as much as he'd love to go on a proper date with him, he would like to graduate a little more. So, for now, he decides to keep his little crush to himself--well, as much as he can anyway.

Kyungsoo answers a couple of other general questions about the exam's setup, and Jongin jots down a few reminders on the top of his notebook page. "Our next class will be a study period," he says after getting no additional questions. "I will be here in the room, ready to help with anything you need in relation to the final, but if you prefer a more private method of studying, don't feel obligated to show up. I won't be taking attendance that day. And then after that, we won't meet here again until after the final, at which point we'll go over it and I'll give you an opportunity to revise before I submit the final grades. Is all that clear?" A collective acknowledgment of understanding comes from the room. "Good, then class is dismissed. Enjoy the rest of your day." 

Jongin takes his time packing up his things this time, actually wanting to be the last student to speak to Kyungsoo today. Not because he wants to flirt with him again or anything--if he can even call what he did at the club flirting--but mostly to spare himself the embarrassment of being completely incapable of masking his growing feelings for him. Luckily, by the time he's done, the second to last student is walking out of the classroom. The senior feels his heart flutter a little as he heads toward the front of the room, despite not feeling as shy about approaching Kyungsoo first anymore. 

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