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He's on his way to the hospital when Jongin texts him back. It's just a simple "okay, hyung :)" with no question as to why it was sent at five o'clock this morning, a whole two hours before he said he'd be leaving to come visit him. It doesn't take him two hours to get ready on any morning, even the ones when he has an early class to teach, and he knows Jongin knows this, which makes him even more grateful that he didn't say anything. He already has a difficult time telling him about the good dreams, let alone the ones where he dies. 

The nurse and doctor are still in Jongin's room when he arrives, so Kyungsoo takes a seat outside of the room for a few minutes. He rubs his face a little, hoping he doesn't look too exhausted. Although, seeing as how he's been coming in every day like clockwork, he supposes it doesn't matter at this point. The door opens, and the pair walk out, never noticing Kyungsoo at all as they walk in the opposite direction of where he's sitting. He stands up and slips into the room, hoping no one will mind if he's there a few minutes before the official start of visiting hours. 

"Morning, early bird," Jongin says upon his entry. He's sitting up and looks a lot better than he did the other day, when what was supposed to be his new medication made him nauseous and tired, and pale. It's a sight Kyungsoo is more than happy to see because it means the new medication is actually working. 

"How are you feeling today?" he asks as he pulls up a chair next to the bed.

"Can't complain. I have a small headache, but they said that should fade within an hour of taking it," he answers, Kyungsoo nodding along in acknowledgment. "I should be out of here tomorrow or the day after as long as the only thing I have is a headache."

"Finally. It feels like a few days have turned into a month," the elder says as he rests his hand on top of Jongin's. "I miss you being home, eating all of the food and watching those ridiculously fake reality shows you love so much."

Jongin laughs guiltily, smoothly flipping his hand over so their fingers can lace together. "You say that like we live together or something," he jokes. 

Kyungsoo doesn't respond right away, instead dropping his gaze nervously to his lap. He's been thinking about bringing it up, even before this health scare. It makes sense to him logically since Jongin is at his place the majority of the week even if he's not spending the night. He has the one and only spare key to the apartment and probably knows it as well as he knows his own place by now. Kyungsoo has become accustomed to it, too, especially when he finds himself missing him on the days he's not there. It feels like the right time to ask, but he also realizes it's a big step for both of them. Still, he figures, if he's going to continue on this journey of actually giving their relationship a proper chance, it couldn't hurt to put the idea out there. 

"I mean...would it be bad if we d-did?" he replies after a few quiet moments pass. Jongin's expression is a blend of confusion and surprise. "W-Well, it's just that you're already there a lot and you have the key, so it seems like the sensible next step...living together. And I could be there to take care of you, you know, cook for you and make sure you're taking your medicine and going to your appointments. I wouldn't mind it, I'd...I'd actually like it." The younger man still looks stunned by the confession, causing Kyungsoo to sink into the chair a bit as his mind begins to backtrack. "I'm sorry, was that...you think it's too soon, right?"

"No, no, I just...I just didn't think you'd be the one to ask me," he admits somewhat bashfully, chuckling a little under his words. "Honestly, I've been wanting to ask you about it for a while, but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable in case you weren't ready. I'm just surprised you asked first." Kyungsoo supposes that makes sense; he does have a bad habit of settling. "But it's a nice surprise, and I..." Jongin pauses in an attempt to control the huge smile that wants to spread across his fast. "...I want to--live with you, that is...move in together...live together...with you, my boyfriend."

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