bruises and cuts

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zane had always wondered why the others looked at him differently, why he acted normal right?

that wasn't before he was introduced to chen as they called him he was the older brother of Skylar, chen he was known for his bad temperament. before chen picked on lloyd but now that everyone knew that he was the green ninja nobody dared to pick on him, which leads us to now the young man staring at lloyd group of friends trying to find his new victim. as he looked he saw someone who imidietly caught his eye, a tall but thin boy with titanium white hair, frosty skin and blue eyes that didn't look real. He looked like a robot from the way he stood awkwardly to his speech it all seemed to robotic. he isn't real hes a robot! thought chen as he listened to the boy screech like an old dial-up phone but for now, chen had to leave to go to his extracurricular 

"ah! chen your finally here took you long enough!"  one of the jocks said as chen entered the gymnasium "sorry I just saw the weirdest kid " chen said while grabbing a ball "which one?" another one of the boys said "the tall pale looking one that is friends with lloyd"   "oh zane? yea I don't believe that he's human" said jock in reply to chen's description at least now chen knew that he wasn't the only one who thought that finally a new victim.

*time skip*

chen walked back to his locker after practice to see zane in one of the classrooms, "what are you doing in there weirdo shouldn't you be with your "friends"?" chen said while entering the classroom "oh! I was just tidying the class, ms grace likes it when I clean it, why do you ask?"tsk chen didn't like how zane talked "don't act innocent I know you secret freak" chen in an annoyed tone."what secret?-" zane was immediately ut off by a strong punch in the gut wich knocked him down "heh for a robot I though you could've handled a bit more" what chen didn't know was that he almost hit zane core which would've ended badly for zane and his secret nindroid identity who chen apparently knew about or had suspicions on. as zane though about how chen would've had these suspicions he was grabbed by the collar and punched a couple of times in the face, he felt something trickling on his face, blood he was bleeding from his nose. the boy had enough he started to fight back against the jock with ended badly for zane, in the end chen had won the battle leaving zane in pain on floor,thank god zane managed to disgaize his android fluid as blood or else he would've been found out. after a good 5 minutes zane got up feeling pain overwhelm him, he's felt pain before but never to this extreme, slowly zane gathered his stuff that had been spilled on the floor by chen and walked down the hallway feeling pain every time walked. he looked at his watch to see the time "great I'm late for the inspection of town" he mumbled.


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