scared for you

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the ninja started to worry, their friend had not yet come to the warehouse where they usually met and they knew they weren't overreacting. It had now been an hour already they were about to call when a familiar figure walked thru the door, a thin boy in a white gi walked in with his mask already on.' why was his hood on?' cole thought while all the other looked at zane with concern "ZANE WHERE WERE YOU ARE YOU OK?-" jay said but was immediately cut off by zane "I'm fine... I just forgot the time while I was cleaning up..."  " lost track of time? Ok yea something definitely wrong!" nya said while walking closer to zane to inspect him for an uncomfortable amount of time, that's when she saw black around zane's eyes. She immediately said it aloud, by this time cole had managed to take off the white ninja's mask revealing a bloody nose, a busted lip and a black eye. "OMG ZANE ARE YOU OK, WHAT HAPPENED IS THERE A NEW VILLAIN?!".when zane didn't answer they got more scared  "zane...You can't keep these types of things from us" nya said in a hushed tone "sorry, I didn't want to keep us waiting for something so trivial" zane said admittedly." your health isn't trivial, jay mind staying to patch up zane?"  said lloyd "I don't need medical attention, I am a robot" zane said in a harsh tone "ooh boy were gonna need to have a long talk about your self-esteem huh?"cole said jokingly but immediately stopped when he saw how unamused the others were "like I said I'm fi-"   "no your not by the way your face looks I would assume your body is in similar shape and your face looks pretty beat up" kai said cutting zane off. There was no getting out of this he would have to compile to the other's orders 


zane was jolted out of his thoughts by jay who told him to get on the workbench "no thank you I don't want to be dug around "  

"Who said anything about digging around? I prepared my own robo-aid kit for this type of situation. now could you please take off your shirt?" jay put the bandages on zane "well now you should probably go home and rest I'll come with you just in case" jay said while closing his first aid box 

*another time skip by lazy author*

when the two of them arrived zane realized he had forgotten his keys in his locker so instead he reluctantly knocked knowing who was going to answer. The door swung open revealing a boy younger than zane with tan skin and white hair, the boy was just wearing a pair of old shorts.   "since when do you knock ya forgot your keys?" the young boy said with a lollipop in his mouth obstructing his speech. "ehhh h-hello..." jay said unsure of what to say    "and who are you?-" before jay could respond zane said "his names jay, thanks for the unnecessary first aid jay see you tomorrow" and slammed the door in jays face. who was that jay thought.


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