Ch. 5 The After Math

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"I didn't expect what you did tonight, I can tell you that," I told Randy as we were heading back to his car from the pier. 

"Well, that was the plan. I told you I had a few tricks up my sleeve," he told me. I shook my head with a small chuckle. 

"I'm starting to see why you're called The Viper," I joked. Randy chuckled at me.

"Clever," he said. "I hope you enjoyed it though."

"I loved everything you did tonight. Especially when you came through to me."

"I mean, I can come through to you a little more if you want-" I immediately slapped Randy in the chest, which was close to a chop.

"Randy Keith Orton, stop it right now!" I said loudly. Randy laughed as he grabbed his chest.

"I was kidding!" He said.

"You're not gonna think it's funny when John knows you said that," I teased.

"Oh, you little snitch." I laughed at him as we came from around the back of the restaurant.

"But in all seriousness, thank you for everything today. Between the support with training, dinner, our talk- everything. It helped me escape my mind today and made me realize something more realistic," I said. All day I've just been caught in my head about Monday's match. It still makes me nervous when I think about it because that right there is the face of reality. But him revealing his feelings is the better face of reality.

"I can tell you right now, if you would have asked me five years ago if we'd be having that conversation, I would have told you you were crazy."

"Oh trust me, I already thought I was crazy," I said. "It still kind of feels like a dream." Randy's hand snuck it's way into mine as his fingers laced into mine just as we got to his car.

He turned his body to face mine as his hand guided my body to do the same. Using his free hand, he brushed my blowing hair away from my face with his fingers before grabbing a hold of my face gently. Was this really about to happen right now?

He leaned closer to my face and our noses touched. His chin dropped just a bit before he spoke again. "Does it still feel like a dream?" He asked in a low tone. I was unable to speak because I was still speechless at his current actions. Was he going to kiss me? Is he playing with me? I don't know what to expect.

His face got closer to mine and I shut my eyes, waiting for the moment to finish for itself when I felt his thumb brush against my lips lightly.

"I promise you it's not," he said, his voice closer. When I opened my eyes, his mouth laid against his thumb, which kept our lips separated. That jerk.

He lifted his head and lightly kissed my nose, bringing a smile to my face before we walked me to the other side of the car and opened the door for me.


"He almost kissed you?!" Emily shrieked in my kitchen. It was the next morning after my date with Randy last night. It was just so ....I don't want to say the word magical, but yet somehow it fits this perfectly.

"Mhm," I said, bringing the coffee mug from lips. "I was hoping for him to do it and I thought he was going to, but, he didn't."

"So, are you guys officially a thing now?" Emily questioned. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I mean, not really." Even though we were both mutual in each other's feelings and if we should really take on the risk of dating. But, it was never officially asked by him nor me to be with each other.

"What do you mean not really?! He bought you an expensive dinner, brought you flowers, AND he almost kissed you! And you're not officially official?!"

"No E, we're unofficially official," I told her.
"Well cut it out, because I hate that!" She complained.

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