Ch. 11 Sibling Rivalry

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Roman and John did their best to separate Kiely and I as two referees attempted to separate us both as well. Kiely threw me into an equipment cart. I groaned as the pain shot through my lower back immediately.

I returned the favor to Kiely, throwing my knee right into her gut. The impact and her groan caused her to let go of me and Roman snatched her in his arms immediately, prying her away from me as John stepped in front of me, telling me to calm down. Soon enough, the camera guy called cut for us and the referees gave me a pat on the shoulder before walking away.

Bailey and Roman made their way back to us and Kiely held her lower abdomen.

"Tonight, I just ask you to stay away from my bladder," she said, making me laugh.

"And avoid running me into things that aren't the turnbuckles," I told her.

"You guys are vicious!" Dean said, walking up.

"Yeah, that was pretty crazy. You guys alright?" Seth asked the both of us. We both gave them a nod. Bailey took her hair down to fix her ponytail.

"I haven't had a brawl like that since our feud, B," Cierra commented.

"I remember that!" John said. "You threw Bailey into a wall!"

"And Bailey threw you through the announce table for payback," Roman said, with a laugh. Seth began to crack up beside me.

"I'm glad both you guys think it's funny. But it's not gonna be funny when one of you guys catch heaven and the other gets hell!" Cierra threatened. Bailey and I both snickered.

"I know that's right," Bailey said.

As we sat there and talked longer, Randy came around the corner and came up to us in a hurry.

"Hey guys, sorry. Brooke, can I see you for a minute?" Randy looked nervous and it made me nervous.

"Yeah," I said. I walked between Dean and Cierra, who stepped aside for me to walk between them. I followed Randy around the corner he came from and he stopped, so I stopped too. "What's the matter?"

"Did you tell Hunter and them that we were together?" I shook my head, unsure of what that has to do with anything.

"No," I said. "It didn't come up in meeting with them. Why, what's the problem?"

"In WWE, it's a policy to tell the head if two people in the company are together." Why is there so many ridiculous policy protocols?


"Because in case of future work and blah blah blah," he said. "I know that that's a very unlikely chance of that happening for us but even then, if we break up and there's conflict, that can lead us both into big trouble. It basically assures everyone to keep us separated if that makes sense." I nodded my head, understanding what he was telling me.

"That still doesn't explain why you're so nervous," I said, looking for answers.

"Because we didn't tell them right away, Brooklyn. That can get us in trouble too."

"Randy, calm down," I said, grabbing both of his hands since we were in a private hallway. "It's been two days. Yeah, I never said anything to them yesterday, but that's because that wasn't important at the time. We were talking about a contract. And they never asked me anything about relationships. Would it make you feel better if we went now?"

"Honestly, yeah, it would." I nodded my head at him.

"Okay, let's go." Randy took a deep breath and called himself down. I've never seen him so nervous before. I mean, yeah Randy had nerves when we went on our first date and when he was trying to ask me out. But his panic level was on high.

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