Ch. 9 Date #2

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(Brooklyn's POV)

     It was Wednesday and we were in Knoxville, Tennessee. Randy was super excited and wanted to spend the entire day with me. I was just as excited as he was though. We were able to actually hang out just the two of us and not be entirely secretive. Even though I didn't know where this relationship was going.

       I threw my long brown hair into a ponytail. I walked into the lounge area where Randy was waiting for me before we left and took off on the road. I've never seen Randy more eager to drive before. Usually, he's eager to not drive and sit in the passenger seat, and man the music.

       "Am I allowed to ask?" I asked him. Randy laughed at me but already knew the question that was going to leave my lips.

       "I'm taking you to a few of my favorite spots here," Randy answered. "Like the first place is Ijams Nature Center."

        "What Nature Center?" I asked, confused on the word he said before all of that. Randy snickered before shaking his head.

       "Never mind." As Randy drove, he had asked me what was next for our storyline. All I knew that was coming up for the boys was an Elimination Chamber qualifying match, which was pretty much ending our feud, but continuing Bailey's and mine. We also had a Siblings Rivalry match that is either happening this week or next week between John and I against Roman and Bailey. That match is going to be fun, I already can tell.

        Randy pulled into an opening that was leading us through the woods. He drove along the trail until we made it up to the parking lot. No other cars were here, but Randy seemed to have known that.

       "This is typically the quietest time. I'm glad it didn't change," he said as we both shut the car doors.

        "How often did you come here?" I asked as I followed him through a trail next to him.

        "I used to come here all the time as a kid. I would run this trail from the other end until I found this platform up here." Randy and I walked for a good five minutes before we came across a tall tree that had a wooden platform. It was basically a tree house.

        "Used to make it here and made a rest stop. This spot always calmed me down." Randy brought me up a small hill when I saw the view of the lake. I was flabbergasted at the sight.

        "Oh my gosh," I said, completely astonished at the view in front of me. Randy pulled me to where the deck was wider and had a small bench in the center of him. The running water was amazing to listen to and it was nothing but quiet up here. "No wonder you came here all the time. This is gorgeous."

        "I did a lot of my stress relieving here. Just sat here, watched the water."

        "I bet it worked fast."

        "It did for sure. I discovered this spot on my first run when my anger problems started." I looked up at him. He was at peace. He was calm. I could see it in his eyes and I could feel it in the tension his body was giving off. Nothing but calm. "If I didn't check in for my anger management, I was here."

          "I bet that was a long journey," I said.

         "It was," he responded. "But this made it easier." 

        "Didn't you get sent back home during your anger management time?" I asked as I took a seat next to Randy on the bench, looking out at the running water. 

         "Yeah. They sent me back here instead of St. Louis," Randy explained. We stayed sitting in the tree for a while longer before Randy suddenly got hungry and dragged me out of the tree and back down the trail. 

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