009 ❛ 𝙬𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 ❜

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they walk around the corner causing JJ to jump to his feet, theo's eyes widening in fear as alexa's hands were covered in red. "Whose blood is that?" kie questioned, while theo places his hands on her shoulders, checking to make sure she had no injuries. they could hear the sounds of sirens approaching. they stood in front of them with a dazed look on their faces. The cop car came around the corner and before anybody could talk any further, the 7 of them jumped behind the crates to hide themselves. "What the hell happened out there man?" pope breathed out, looking over to John B.

 "What the hell happened out there man?" pope breathed out, looking over to John B

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they all sit in the hidden car that sat by a old house. alexa's leg bounces up and down in a anxious urge. the pogues trying to come up with a plan for john b "Wait what about the ferry?"elijah questions sitting up "that could work skip town"Pope shrugs. "Mexico is your best bet"JJ says "Ferry we go then"

"Okay okay"Pope repeats anxiously holding a paper. "P can you at least act normal"alexa says. "Bad news there's this and the ferries closed"Pope says handing JJ the paper, it was like a missing person poster but instead it had alexa and john b's face on it.

"What is that?"John b asks and JJ passes him the picture. "Omg you look hot in this"alexa says and everyone gives her a pointed look. "Sorry"she apologizes softly. "Okay so the whole island is looking for you right now"Pope says.. "that's a lot of money"kie adds. "Well at least you are famous"elijah jokes. "Okay guys we gotta get to the HMS"theo speaks up. "It's back at the chateau"John b retorts. "Let's see if the police have it on lock down"JJ answers sarcastically.

"Yeah copy that"kie says. "Let me think let me think"Pope repeats. "The boat"alexa says softly. "What?"John b asks. "maybank. does your dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, phantom or whatever"alexa questions keeping her face forward, trying not to make eye contact with him. "Maybe"JJ says the topic of his father bothering him. "Take john b up the east coast easy"theo says.

"Can we move" Pope honks. "Pope the car is not on"elijah says. "Hey hey mom theirs the dude"A child yells to their mother. "John b snitch"JJ motions. John b ducks, Pope says struggling to start the car. "it is the him"An old man says banging on the window. "Pope start the car"theo shouts when he struggles to start it.

 𝑺𝑲𝒀𝑭𝑨𝑳𝑳, 𝙅𝙅 𝙈𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙠Where stories live. Discover now