Chapter 6: Return-Post

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The moment Talen had a moment alone after the morning feast, he scribbled a note on some parchment that he had stolen from a disorganized Hufflepuff third year and raced to the Owlery. Up the spiraling steps of the tower, he gave his parcel to a brown barn owl and watched it soar through the sky.

Talen would tell Ominis how he felt― but he had to do it strategically. If Ominis did not return his feelings, Talen was unsure how it would affect their friendship. Assuming the worst, and they no longer were even friends ― broken apart by an unbearable, awkward tension ― Talen wanted to ensure that he gave Ominis a gift. Only now, before Talen admitted his feelings, he could give such a gift with no strings attached.

In the end, Talen only wanted Ominis to feel the same way that Ominis made Talen feel: with or without the reciprocation. He deserved to feel such contentment.

At the disappearance of the owl, Talen's plan was in motion.

On Halloween's Eve ― the day before the Goblet of Fire Ceremony; the day before Sebastian returned to Hogwarts; the day before his life had the potential to turn upside down ― Talen would give to Ominis an experience that Ominis had been robbed of for too long...

...and Talen would put his heart on the line.

There was no turning back; Talen knew his fate was set.

October passed painfully slow for Talen. All of Talen's classes grew in difficulty and intensity (except for his seventh level Charms class), the students of Beauxbaton and Durmstrang began made displays of dominance in front of any and all Hogwarts students from their first day arrived, and whenever Talen looked at his friend, a stone dropped in his stomach: his thoughts drifted to the coming Hallow's Eve, and the anxiety that would accompany it.

He could barely stomach the idea of losing Ominis from his life, but continuing to pretend that Ominis was simply a friend was even more untenable.

"Tal, what exactly is on your mind?" Ominis had asked after he had just attempted to cast Expecto Patronum one night in the Undercroft. Not only did Ominis fail to conjure the feathers of his patronus, but he downright failed to create a single ray of light.

Talen shook away the daydream that had been consuming his mind's eye. "What? Oh, great job! You're definitely getting better."

Ominis sheathed his wand into his robe and crossed his arms, "you're not even paying attention. What is wrong with you lately?"

"Nothing," Talen shook his head. "I'm here with you. Cast it again, but this time―."

"Why are you lying to me, Tal?" Ominis pressed. "I don't know exactly what happened, but I'm fairly certain that my patronus just choked and died. The room is darker, isn't it? I can almost feel it."

Talen rolled his tongue between his teeth. He couldn't find any words. Instead, as Talen looked into Ominis' eyes, his thoughts rescinded, and he reevaluated the letter he had sent via owl.

Why haven't I heard back? Talen wondered. I was very explicit in my note. Is she angry at me? I find that hard to believe. At least, I can't imagine her getting angry. She's so sweet, I don't know if it's possible for her to be anything but. Maybe she just hasn't had time to respond? I know she's busy, and sure, we're not corresponding as much as last year, but

"Talen!" Ominis snapped. "You're starting to scare me."

Talen returned to reality and found that Ominis had taken a few steps closer to him. Talen could feel his face turn white― what am I doing?

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