24: Deflowered 🔞

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Fear has him hesitating, but Hoseok waits below him. As he stares down at him, expecting a possibly growing impatient owner, he instead sees as Hoseok gently rest both hands on his thin hips, both thumbs drawing small comforting circles as he waits patiently, his eyes closed and peaceful. It stokes the fire that has been scorching this whole time and gives the hybrid the final bit of courage he needs to relax as he slowly sits back, the bulbous head of Hoseok's cock slipping through the ring of muscle with a quick pop that neither of them expected.


A surprised yip comes from Yoongi and he clenches down at the feeling, causing Hoseok to groan and tighten his grip on his kitten's hips. The urge to thrust further into the wet heat of the hybrid's supple tunnel, held back only by the little bit of power his higher brain still has. Instead arching his back away, not letting himself be lured into the temptation that the tight hole offers. He needs to give Yoongi time to stretch himself further and Hoseok won't ruin that. He will let his kitten pace himself. The feeling of the wonderful stretch to his rim, makes the hybrid's instincts kick in.


The fear fading as the heat clouds his brain. He slowly sits more, the shaft of Hoseok's cock sliding smoothly into his hole. The slick doing its job to ease the way as Yoongi takes what he wants for his first time. It's better than he could have ever imagined. The sensation as he sits back up Hoseok's head. Tugging at his rim not wanting to leave. Then they glide once again as he shifts down, taking in more this time. It makes his insides ache for more even as he's finally getting filled. He feels his owner guiding him, just barely tugging up on his hips. Letting the thick cock slip almost all the way out before sliding back down even further. Feeling full, but knowing there's more. The hybrid wants it all. After a few more slow and savory moves, he sits as far down as he can before grinding down, twisting his hips back and forth, slowly working his way further into Hoseok's cock, coating him in slick.


Moaning when he finally feels his owner's balls right against his bottom. "Fuck, baby. So good." Hoseok whispers, his breathing heavy from holding back, all his muscles tensed as he lets Yoongi have control, his pretty pet getting used to being filled at his own pace. The feeling of the hybrid slowly stuffing himself, each time driving his body down deeper onto his cock, has Hoseok clenching his teeth in the effort not to move. Not to let his own desires win, not yet anyway. Now that he's felt how full his owner can make him, Yoongi slides up slowly one last time. Placing his hands on Hoseok's stomach before impaling himself back down. Fully engulfing Hosoek, the thickness rubbing right over his prostate. Making his own cock leak precum down onto his owner's belly. Hoseok grips him hard and moans below him, his eyes closed in ecstasy.


The hybrid doesn't let up after that. Driving himself home over and over, bouncing on Hoseok's thick cock, not stopping for a moment to think of anything. Slick coating his thighs and running down onto Hoseok's balls. The sensations he feels deep inside makes him moan. The heat which had been hurting was completely gone, replaced by pure pleasure each time he fills himself full of Hoseok. His virgin hole being deflowered in the best way possible. No inch of his insides left untouched. The view of Yoongi's face is beautiful and Hoseok is awestruck by how raw it all feels. The hybrid's normally schooled features fully displaying every emotion and sensation as he feels it. When the hybrid moans and slams down harder, his pace quickening, Hoseok stares at his parted cupid's bow lips. Watches as his hair bounces. Sweat accumulates on his forehead as he exerts himself chasing the pleasure he can only get from Hoseok his owner.

Hoseok runs his large hands over Yoongi's pale chest and then back down to his perky ass. He grabs both cheeks and pulls them apart causing Yoongi to gasp and throw his head back moaning. His movements never stopping as he continues riding Hoseok for all he's worth. "Beautiful kitten, take what you need, what you want," Hoseok says and Yoongi looks at him. His eyes hazy in arousal. He smiles for the briefest moment, a flash of teeth and canines before he needs to open his mouth again.


Panting hot breaths into the room. "Ahhhh." Yoongi gasps out as he leans back a bit. The change in position caused Hoseok's cock to rub against his prostate. He leans further backward and places his hands on each of Hoseok's knees to steady himself. His owner luckily had already placed his feet solidly on the ground. Stopping for just a moment. He gets his feet on the bed, never letting Hoseok's cock slip out. Hoseok watches as the hybrid spreads his knees out, giving him a full view of his pet in all of Yoongi's naked glory.  

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