Chapter Six

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As soon as I jumped over the fence and landed on the other side, I felt the atmosphere change. While behind the small fence we had a jolly, comfortable and homely atmosphere on this side it felt dreary, uncomfortable and foreign.

I felt like I did not belong here and would not make it past this place if I chose to go on. The feeling was so overpowering that I almost turned back to jump back home when I remembered my purpose which I had forgotten earlier which almost immediately broke the hold the forest had over me. I had laughed earlier at how low the fence was and how it would never stop anyone who did not believe in the story of the forest but after entering the forest I finally knew why the fence was more than enough to keep people out.

On its own the fence really would do nothing to stop the non-believers but in combination with the forest and the effect it had on trespassers this set up was more than enough. Other than the atmosphere this forest did not look any different from other forests as had been described in the books written by our ancestors who came to this land.

 The best decision was to return and come back tomorrow with a better plan but if I returned now and he reported everything then security might tighten and I would lose my only chance. My mother would lose all trust in me for good reason and revert to the spy cameras and tighter security.

If I did not complete my mission today then I would never get another chance. If I returned now I would have to give up on this particular mission but I didn't want to. No this was not a matter of wanting to it was a matter of needing to do this.

Now that I had finally entered the forest going back would be a nightmarish experience because I would always wonder what I could have done if I had just kept going. I would be left disturbed and in way worse shape than before despite before being a bad time too. On the other hand, if someone got hurt because of me I would feel terrible guilt and would also be in a terrible state.

Someone was getting hurt either way so it was a matter of who would get hurt in the end but then it didn't have to be. The rescue party dying is a maybe but my fate is certain if I go back. I know myself and there is no way it would turn out any other way. I could avoid the people getting hurt by returning as soon as possible.

Our town despite being the only one for miles was pretty large so one thorough search would take about a day and because she would never be able to believe that I might have gone to the forest ; she would do a thorough search two more times which would take two days so I had three days to return before anyone proceeded to the forest. Yeah it was avoidable, I did not have to worry much. There was no way anything could go wrong if I used this plan, right?

"Yes, you need not worry this forest is not as large as you outlanders think." Said a sweet voice from behind me, startling me.

I whipped my knife out and turned to face the voice with the most threatening look I could muster and said in a voice which held false bravado, "If you hurt me, I will not hesitate to drive this knife through your heart."

The reaction I got was not what I expected or wanted. Instead of getting scared or retreating what the shadowy silhouette did was chuckle and call me CUTE?!

This person well creature was a psycho and I was in danger so I ran. This was probably my first mistake since the silhouette was blocking the way out of the forest and I ran in the opposite direction increasing the distance between me and the village in this forest I knew nothing about. Not my best moment I know but this is not as bad as what happened later. This was simply the start; things were going to get way worse.

After running for a while through the trees I finally stopped, not having heard the voice or footsteps signalling my pursuit by the silhouette and because I was tired.

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