Chapter Nine

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This chapter has violence so read at your own risk.

The story was truly tragic but my opinion hadn't changed, I was still leaving the forest because what had happened was not my fault but it would be rude to not comment so I said genuinely to him, "I am really sorry that happened to you. Your family did not deserve that but your mother had already taken her revenge so how is this right? Revenge is never the answer but she got that so how does this justify anything."

He said sadly, "I know it is wrong but please understand how she feels. All she wants is to have her daughter back, her family back." I rubbed my temples and said, "This is wrong Tristan and I won't let this happen."

He said confidently, "You don't have a choice though." As soon as he said that any sympathy I felt for him disappeared and I asked, "Are you threatening me now? What about your promise? Do you seriously think replacing your sister with some random girl will help anything?"

His face stiffened and I knew I was right at least until he spoke, "First of all you will never replace my sister.No one can take her place, all this is solely for my mother. Secondly, I was not threatening you and I will let you go if you make that decision but here is the thing you really have no other choice." Not buying his lies I asked sarcastically,"Is that so?"

He nodded and after taking a breath said, "You don't have a choice because you no longer have a life outside this her life." I simply rolled my eyes and he said gravely, "I really mean it. Once my mother finished her process, she told me about intruders possibly entering to kidnap you." I said incredulously, "She's the one who kidnapped me they would be my rescuers." "I know which is why I went to Yale and erased you from their memories."

I was enraged because this was the worst thing anyone could have done  so far, "YOU DID WHAT?!" "I had good reason to because if people came looking for you, they would die by my mother's hand. I saved innocent lives."

He was right and I kept quiet. It was better for them to forget me while I remained captive. I had no right to cause the deaths of these innocent people because of my foolhardy decision to enter a place as dangerous as this.

I had wronged my people, I deserved to get consequences but that did not mean I would play along with this little game. They had to realise this was wrong and I missed my old life where I could actually make amends so I said, "I don't care if everyone has forgotten me, I deserve that for entering this forest for an extremely selfish reason but I will return and make up for my mistakes. I will make amends so I do have a choice. You have not changed my mind."

He asked, "Do you seriously think they will accept someone like you?" "I can hide my wings, I will learn how." He warned, "I will not help you." But I did not waver and said, "I know but you promised to not stop me and telling your mother is stopping me." He did not back down either and warned, "You will get caught and I won't free you or even associate your consciousness with me. You will be all alone and in much worse shape." "I will not get caught; I will make sure of that." He chuckled, "Do you remember the story about my sister?"

"I could never forget but what does that have to do with anything?" I asked confused and he said, "My mother in her rage killed everyone in the forest so if she catches you well....." I said, "I would die but that is a far better fate than being your puppet or someone's replacement."

"You really are mental if you think that but she will already know that about you and will give you a fate worse than death." I gave him a glare and said, "There is nothing worse than death." "According to you though there is. You said you would rather die than become a puppet, right? Aren't you contradicting yourself?" I realised he was right and kept quiet. "You don't have any come backs huh? Do you now realise your position? This is the only choice you have."

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