Chapter Sixteen

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As soon as I had made it to a distance from the tree house. I let myself think and cry because of the terrible situation I found myself in. I had to choose sooner rather than later but that was easier said than done. I didn't want either of them to get hurt because I cared for both of them.

How I wished there was a way to keep both of them happy but there was no method by which either of them would be happy. I could have helped lily escape, keeping her happy and then helped mom find a replacement but I did not want to hurt anyone else in this way.

I wanted to end this cycle once and for all but my mother refused to back down and would continue to even if I helped Lily. Lily would feel guilty about the other girls as well so she wouldn't be happy. What could I do about this situation?

On one hand I had Lily who cared a lot and did not hesitate to show it. She never once hurt me and always comforted me while on the other hand I had my mother who was going through a hard time and could not give me her time or care. I knew she cared though because well mothers always care for their children and frankly even if she didn't. I owe her a lot.

What Lily said however about this not being good for either of us in the long run made sense so I guess I could try to use that point on her. That way I betrayed no one. Yes, I was going to talk to her and make her see sense. It was the best solution and maybe with the right proof I could convince her. Mind made up, I made my way towards her favourite place where she would most likely be asleep on account of my sleeping potion.

Luckily, I was right and found her there sleeping on the highest branch. I flew up there and shook her awake. I expected properly waking her up to take at least five minutes, since I had slipped the sleeping draught into her food but was shocked to see that it only took a few seconds.

This should have been a red flag then, but I was too preoccupied and dismissed it rather quickly. "What is it sweetie?" asked my mom groggily and I replied hesitantly, "I- I want to talk to you about something important." "of course, I'll listen Tan. you don't have to look so scared. Do you need me to come down?"

I nodded and both of us descended. Once we had landed she said, "You know I love you right Tristan?" I smiled a fake smile and said, "I know mother." She beamed and said, "I am glad, don't ever leave me ok?" I just nodded and she continued, "Now tell me what's bothering you. I will always listen to you, no matter what state I am in."

She sounded so sincere that I almost believed her. This always happened every time doubt about her care and good will seeped in. She suddenly went from cold to hot when my doubt almost became a surety and I was left confused every time. She could be really nice and kind one minute but cold and unforgiving the next.

This however was not why I was here today. This conversation was solely for Lily and partly her because what she was doing was not right. Just as I was about to speak however, she interrupted and said, "Let us go to town again with Trista soon. What about tomorrow?" just as I was about to reply however she spoke again, "Or do you want to go to the library together. That place is very dangerous alone but I think you both are old enough to accompany me."  The mention of this place finally caused me to snap because of the traumatic memories and I yelled, "Just let me speak mother!" she stiffened.

The moment those words slipped out I knew that I had messed up and immediately kept quiet. This was not a good start to our conversation, making her mad was the worst thing I could have done now but I couldn't back down now and apologised, "I am sorry mom for yelling at you like that but please could you let me speak. I know you mean well but I really just want to get everything out as soon as possible." This thankfully calmed her down and she said, "I am glad you have realised your mistake and apologised. This still does not justify anything but I will forgive you this time. Now what did you want to talk about?" I replied confidently, "Thank You mom. I want to talk about Lily."

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