Chapter Thirteen

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"Are you sure about this?" she asked me for the millionth time, we had already started on the flight but it had not been very long so we could still turn back and we probably should have because I had been forced to make a bunch of potions, I had never made before to deal with my mother's spies .

This was a very risky plan but I just couldn't turn back. I needed to show her how great this life was so she would be convinced to stay. This life was far better than anything she would get if she went back now, There was so much to do here, she just had to see it.

I knew that this life would suit her wonderfully so I said, "Yes, I am sure. I am a very good brewer so just trust me on this. Do you seriously think I would try to hurt you?" she shook her head vigorously, "Of course I don't, but mistakes can happen and this could be one." "You really need to learn to relax sometimes. Not everything goes wrong."

She sighed, "I guess, now where are we going?" I asked incredulously, "I already told you at the tree house?!" she apologised, "I'm sorry I was just thinking of the worst things that could happen on this little picnic and did not catch the place." "Who does that?!"

She huffed and said grumpily, "Excuse me for trying to think about my actions and potentially save us." "You really need to relax; I know this place like the back of my hand since I've lived here all of my life and am well aware of whatever dangers we might find here. I would never do anything that might kill either of us."

She said exasperated, "Mistakes happen Tristan and we cannot afford to make mistakes. Why won't that sink into your thick skull?!" I assured her, "You really don't want to miss out on this L-" my sentence was cut off by her hand which she used to cover my mouth.

She whispered angrily, "Be careful, I do not want to turn into fuel or food." I rolled my eyes and pulled her hand off my mouth and said, "You're worrying for no reason, just trust me ok?" she retorted, "I do but what if you didn't do a good job with it. Then getting murdered by some wild creature will be the least of my worries." I challenged, "How long have you known me?" and she said angrily, "Not for very long." I rolled my eyes and ignored her comment, "You have known me for six days and don't you dare cover my mouth again." I said in reply to her motion to stop me.

She angrily stomped her feet but mercifully didn't stop me and I said, "Thank you, now have I ever messed up a potion?" "Never but-" I didn't let her finish, "there's your answer, now look down, we have reached." She did and was left speechless.

I smiled, part one was a success. When she had been staring for too long I asked smirking, "Still want to go back?" she shook her head and I muttered, "thought so." She heard it and glared at me so I changed the subject, "This library was owned by an elf 'Orrian' who was rather miserly and hated anyone getting close to his library so he set his pet serpent Herpes to protect it from intruders but I'm sure Orrian is no more and as a result Herpes."

She however was not listening since she was enchanted by this cave. It was clear from the get go that this place was a library because of the carving at the top of the cave which simply read library with a warning carved below.

I could see just how enchanted she was in her eyes which sparkled and the change in her body language. She was quite literally vibrating with excitement. However, to my frustration she still had her guard up and asked, "Have you been here before? What is the guarantee that this place is safe now? The serpent could have easily survived because of how far this place is from the border."

All those were valid questions but it still frustrated me. Why was it so hard for her to let her guard down? I however still kept my calm and explained, "My mom often brings books from here home which wouldn't be possible if the serpent survived. This place is safe so please just try and enjoy yourself." Thankfully this did it and she agreed to give this library a shot.

You could tell she was extremely excited just by that because normally she would have kept up with the questions. My plan was still going swimmingly.

Soon enough we landed and I said playfully, "After you because after all it is always ladies first." She did not catch my joke which disappointed me but then I saw her face and saw the sheer excitement which caused any negative feelings I had to disappear. Had I finally gotten her to stay? Had she finally stopped missing home? Would I finally have a friend? Was my life finally fixing itself?

It sure seemed like it and I was overjoyed. It would be nice to have a companion after so many years. When I finally stopped thinking, I noticed that she had already gone in and chuckled. She really didn't have the patience to wait for me but that was fine at least she was happy. After thinking that I entered only to get the shock of my life.

Instead of seeing a room full of books all I saw was a dark room with no trace of Lily or so I thought. I called out to her, "Lily. Where are you?!" when I got no answer I felt my stomach twist into knots.

I was incredibly worried and full of guilt. Where was she?! What had I done?! Why did I never think of talking to mom about exactly what she had to face before bringing Lily here. My mother was strong and had the necessary strength to fight anything so just because she could do this, it didn't mean we could do this. Why was I such an idiot?!

All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and cry but I could not afford to do that. I had to find her and get us both out safely. As soon as I thought about Lily a strength filled me and I continued my search with more vigour. That was when I heard her calling out to me and sounding fine if not a little scared, "Tristan, where are you?" "Here Lily! Just wait there I'm coming." "O-okay please hurry. I am really scared."

As soon as I heard that I moved very fast, as fast as I had moved when Trista was dying but I couldn't make it then. Today however I was going to make it, I was not losing anyone else to the great beyond.

So, I flew as fast as I could and saw her standing frantically looking for me but she wasn't alone. Just behind her stood a man with a knife, readying himself to stab her. I froze and he saw me. He smiled cruelly but no matter what I could not move or warn her and ended up losing someone else once again.

I had failed again and lost the only other person who cared. I was all alone again, who knew the next time I would find a friend. Who knew the next time I would have company. Wait company?! Was that seriously what I was worried about?! Did I seriously talk about how I did not want to be alone again?! Was that all she was worth for to me?! I couldn't be that selfish right? Right?!

That is when it hit me. Yes, I am that selfish. The only reason I brought her here was to bribe her to stay and not because I genuinely wanted her to be happy well I did but that was just a plus point of this.

I was just so terrified of being lonely again that I kept trying to get her to stay, completely ignoring what she wanted. Even after she showed me time and time again how much she missed her home, I still ignored it.

I was not doing the right thing and if I cared I would help her escape but then how could I betray my mother? She was genuinely happy now so how could I snatch that happiness from her? She was actually back and at least paid a little attention to me. My life was fixing itself just by Lily being here but what about Lily? What was I supposed to do?! Who was I supposed to side with?!

That was when I felt someone bump into me. I immediately turned around and saw that the person was Lily and she was crying. Tears of happiness immediately sprung into my eyes. She was alive! I don't know how but she was and she was crying.

Crying?! Oh no she was crying?! As soon as that fact sunk in, I forgot my crisis and focussed on her. My crisis could be dealt with later but we had to get out of here now which could only be possible if I managed to console her.

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