Side Story

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"Mom make me a pearl bracelet too." A 3-year-old Nanon urged his mom holding the edge of her dress looking at the cute pearl bracelet she made for herself.

She chuckled and held his face in her palms. "You want one too? But I have made a different one for you my child. One which boys can wear."

"I want it now." he urged jumping with joy. "Please please please."

She chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Sure." She opened her drawer and took out a bracelet which was silver gray in color with a dragon head on top.

The kid took a step back terrified. And before anything else he started crying.

"Nanon? Why are you crying?" The mother hugged him leaving the bracelet aside immediately.

"I don't like dragons. They are scary." Nanon sobbed.

"No my child. I want you to be strong and loving like a dragon." His mother said.

"Loving?" Nanon looked up and asked his mother confused.

"I will tell you a story...

Once there was flying lizard who fell in love with a human who was cursed. The human was hated by all, but the flying lizard loved the human nonetheless. Whereas the human was afraid that his curse will affect the lizard and the lizard will die. So he decided to distant himself from the lizard.

One day the lonely cursed human was attacked by various beasts. When one of the beasts bit the human, he cried in agony and his voice reached the flying lizard. The colorful flying lizard turned into a giant flying fire emitting dragon. The dragon followed the voice of its love and killed every living beast trying to attack the cursed human.

The human apologized to the dragon and promised to stay with him forever. Time flied and the human had to ascend to heavens. But the dragon had a greater life shell. But whatever amount of time it lived, it loved and cherished each memory with the human. The human too never felt cursed after receiving the abundance of love from the dragon.

For others the human was cursed and the dragon was fire emitting beast. But for the dragon, the human was what made it feel more human like and for the human the dragon was one who never judged him based on opinions.

A dragon is deadly and fierce. No nobody can mess with it and it won't let you live in peace if you mess with it or the beings it cherishes.

Now you see? Why this is precious?

And I am not asking you to wear it now. Look. I prepared for you to wear it when you grow up. I want you to know what to do in what situation. Dragons know justice and revenge both. Even if you befriend a dragon, it will be by your side till the end of its own life."

Nanon sobbed harder on the word revenge and ducked his head into his mother's lap even more scared.

"THROW IT AWAY!" Nanon's father, Ae stormed in.

"No!" Nanon's mother held on it and hid it in her pocket. "He will wear it one day. I want him to be strong and able to fight on his own. He is my shadow, Ae. And if he turns out even a bit like me, I need him to be strong mentally and physically."

"Making a bracelet won't make him strong. Can't you see he is crying?" Ae screamed.

"He is stronger than this mentally. As for physical strength that will develop over time. I will help him."

"I don't want to debate. My child will not be part of all this myth. We are here on a vacation, not to make my son cry. Either you throw it away or I will throw it away myself." Ae said and stormed out carrying a crying Nanon with him.


A 5-year-old Ohm was roaming in the market with his elder brother when he bumped into a woman walking past them lost and sad.

When they bumped, a bracelet fell from her hands. Ohm looked at it and ran to pick it up.

"Toey! Look, A dragon!" Ohm almost screamed with joy and wore it in his hand instantly.

"Ohm, give it back to Ma'am. Sorry about my brother ma'am." 8-year-old Toey said bowing to the lady.

"It's ok." The lady saw the younger boy look sad and so she leaned in front of him. "Do you like it?"

Ohm nodded with excitement. "It's so pretty!"

The lady smiled with tear filled eyes. "Only you saw the 'pretty' out of a dragon like I did..." She mumbled and then looked at Ohm. "Do you want to keep it?" She asked him.

Ohm gaped at her. "Can I?"

The lady grinned and patted his head. "Do you know? Dragons are known the most for their loyalty. So you should be loyal to it." She said.

"I know..." The small boy replied with a grin. "I know the flying lizard and human love story. The dragon defeated the beasts for the human. My mother told me once."

The lady looked at him surprised. "Are you not scared of dragons then?"

"My mother says, dragons are scary only to their enemies. To the ones they love, they are the most loyal and loving." Ohm replied innocently.

The lady wiped her tears and chuckled. "My dear, do you even know what is loyalty and love?"

"Both are same... Mom says where there is love, there is loyalty and vice versa" Ohm shrugged.

The lady felt overwhelmed and patted Ohm's head lovingly. "God bless you my child!"

"Thank you Ma'am. And I promise. I will always be loyal to it. I will keep it protected at any cost." Ohm said showing the over-sized bracelet in his hand.

"Sorry Ma'am we cannot accept it." Toey interrupted. "Dad says, we shouldn't accept anything from strangers."

Toey tried to hold Ohm's hand and take it out.

"No!" Ohm yanked his hand away. "I will keep it. No matter what, I will protect it with my life. This will be part of me from now on." Ohm grinned and held the lady's hand placing a kiss on her palm. "Thank you for making it for me."

"It seems like, I did make it for you. Only the almighty has all the control over our destiny." The lady mumbled and kissed Ohm on his forehead, waved him bye and left.

Ohm kissed his bracelet and jumped happily all the way returning to his home.


Jinxed - OhmNanon X DragonsWhere stories live. Discover now