Chapter Twenty

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{This font and braces are for dragon communication.}


I saw a shadow flying above the meadow.

Now with a dragon vision and sense of smell, I can tell who it is.

I turned to see Nanon who had passed out in my arms. I quickly took him up in my arms and walked out of the meadow to the house across, the house that belonged to Belle and Jun.

Belle was with Chimon, Perth, Tu and Prim there. They were all sleeping while Belle was gazing outside.

She looked at Ohm carrying Nanon in his arms. She knew just from the state of both of them, what they had been doing so she simply smiled at Ohm.

Ohm smiled briefly being flustered before getting into the house and placing Nanon beside Chimon on the mattress for sleeping.

He tucked him in a blanket and walked out to talk to Belle.

"I am going to Mount Valguay." He said now in a serious expression.

"Yes, Drake asked me to send you too."

Ohm nodded and changed into his dragon form to be able to communicate with other dragons in their language. Now that he had done this a few times, he knew how to keep changing his forms.

The dragons all greeted Ohm as soon as he flew to the mountain top.

{You were looking for me?} Ohm asked looking at Mario and Drake.

Mario flew up to him and pointed at the volcano behind him. Ohm looked into the volcano and to his horror, he found it completely dry and barren.

{What happened to our home?}

{It's going to succumb soon.} Drake answered flying up and joining Mario and Ohm.

{The core's power was transferred to the stone that Mother Venus had gifted Jun.}

Ohm took a moment to realize it before turning to Mario with a hiss. {The pendant...}

{Yes, we need to get that pendant back. Otherwise soon, Venus' core will succumb and the planet will blast.} Mario said.

{But for so many years...} Ohm was confused.

{That was because the planet was hibernating. Otherwise the blast would have taken place.} Drake answered. {We got to know after coming here as well. I am sure Belle has no clue about it too.}

{Ohm, Neak will have to get the pendant back.} Mario said looking at Ohm. The fact that he stated Ohm and Neak differently made Ohm frown in puzzle.

{You will have to make a choice between Earth and Venus.} Drake said. {You can either be Neak and stay here forever after getting the pendant. So that this planet can survive. Or you can choose to be Ohm and stay on Earth letting this planet die slowly.}

... ... ... ... ...

Ohm sat on the side recalling the pendant. He remembers that when Venus gifted it to Jun, he immediately made a bracelet out of it and wore it across Neak's neck.

After receiving that pendant, Neak was not only able to sense the vibes of the whole planet, he also got the hint whenever there was any calamity anywhere on any corner of the planet.

Neak did not know the reason behind it. But now that Ohm knows that because Venus had prepared it after extracting the energy of the planet's core, it helped the dragon to be connected with the planet and its nature.

He also recalled that whenever Jun kept it aside to wash and clean the pendant, it would shine till Neak wears it back. Like signaling Neak to see its location.

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