Chapter Twenty Eight (Finale)

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Firstly, there was a blinding light of the blast in the sky and then and there was an ear crashing sound of thunder. A fireball fell from above the sky with full force and landed straight into Valguay.

"OHM!" Nanon screamed and ran towards the mountain. The planet was shaking so much that it felt like it will blast any second. Still Nanon rushed towards to the mountain without caring about anything at all.

Chimon ran after him and Perth followed them after getting out of his shock.

But before he could even reach near to the mountain, the shaking of the planet suddenly stopped. Everything became completely still. Like someone had a switch and pushed the stop button.

With the level of shaking earlier, it was all so shocking that Nanon looked below his feet and then turned back to see the others.

He looked around and saw all the zombie trees turning to ashes. Like their spell was varying off. The wind started to flow again. Which was once like a storm, now was soft and soothing.

There was a light growl heard from the mountain. Nanon turned back to look at it gaping.

Drake and Mario rushed to the top of Valguay while Chimon and Perth slowly walked up to Nanon. Everyone was shocked. Chimon and Perth were trembling with the sight of thunder and light earlier followed by the creepy silence.

But Nanon was frozen in place with his eyes stuck at the mouth of Valguay. He kept looking there wide eyed, without blinking.

Chimon squeezed Nanon's shoulders and looking at his brother's state, he was at the verge of crying. Perth was slowly walking forward towards the mountain unable to believe what he saw.

Suddenly a loud roar came from within the mountain. So loud that Drake and Mario flew above the mouth scared that it will blast with volcano anytime.

And then we heard loud steps. A huge dragon hand, bigger than the size of Tim's, popped out followed by a familiar black-grey dragon head.

"OHM!" Nanon cried out of happiness running towards him. But stopped in tracks when he saw that it wasn't the same Ohm whom he remembers from a few moments ago.

When Ohm came out, nobody could believe the site in front of them. Ohm was almost triple his size. Making him even bigger than Tim. His eyes now had only red shine in it. He seemed angry and scary when he snarled looking everywhere.

He roared... the roar was enough to shake everyone out of their daze.

Then he roared louder.

This time the planet started shaking again just by the power of his voice.

He closed his eyes once and then opened it with fore fiercely red shining eyes. And then suddenly, he shot lasers from his eyes everywhere once unable to control himself.

"Lasers?" Perth asked confused.

"Did it happen due to the impact of blast on him?" Chimon asked.

Ohm's laser was about to burn, Drake's wing when Mario pushed him on time.

Nanon looked round the fire spreading due to Ohm's attacks. Nanon wiped his tears which he did not even know were there and ran towards Ohm. Mario saw him running and immediately flew towards Nanon who saw him coming towards him and jumped on top of his back mid-flight without wasting time.

"Ohm..." Nanon called out once he reached near the beast. But Ohm instead turned towards them with a laser attack. "OHM! IT'S ME NANON! STOP NOW!" Nanon screamed finally after Mario successfully ducked the attack.

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