Shadow of the Giant

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I'm Cowboy Alchemist#4990 on discord. Come on over if you want to chat and talk about ideas. If you want an invite to join my discord server, you only have to ask me.

The sun was already settling between the snow-capped mountains by the time Thomas and the girls returned to Johanna's cabin. The Woffs were flying outside, their whale calls echoing throughout the valley. Thomas sat at Hilda's window on the second floor, smiling as he watched the magnificent creatures.

"How's the speech going, Thomas?" The man looked down to see Hilda walking over to him. Smiling, Thomas turned his body to sit on the window seat. Allowing Hilda to join him.

"So far, I've got this." Thomas cleared his throat and spoke with an exaggerated, distinguished expression that made him look like a president giving a speech. "'Dear King of the Elves...'"

Hilda laughed at the funny voice he was using. "Stop being silly!"

"You're silly!" Thomas laughed back, tickling her by the neck.

It was then that Johanna came walking over. Smiling happily as she saw her daughter laughing with the young man. It was honestly heartwarming to see them together. "What are you two silly heads laughing about?" She asked.

"Oh, just messing around. I just hope it's good enough for the Elf King," Thomas said, looking at what he had written in his journal. "There's no real way of knowing how the guy would react, so I want to make sure I handle the talks carefully."

"I'm sure you'll do fine, Thomas," Johanna said with encouragement as she placed her hand on his shoulder. However, she looked at her daughter, and her smile dropped. Pulling her hand away, she rubbed her arm, anxious. "But, I've been thinking about this whole situation."

"Don't worry. This meeting will work," Thomas said assuredly.

"I know, but...." Johanna looked to her daughter and back to Thomas, wanting to be careful with what she said next to not to upset Hilda. "Even if it did work, we'd still be around people that hate us. We'd have to be careful where we step. All the while never really being welcomed or accepted by the elves."

"What are you saying, mum?" Hilda asked, confused and worried.

Johanna sighed and placed her hand on her daughter's cheek. "Hilda, all this trouble has made me realize that we're the only people for miles in this whole valley," she said, walking away to stand in the middle of the room. "The only humans."

"But that's what I love about it," Hilda told her mum.

"Wouldn't you like to have some other kids to talk to?" Johanna asked.

"I have myself to talk to," Hilda said with confidence.

"That is sad, Hilda," Thomas said.

"...W-Well, I've got you and Twig," Hilda said, kneeling as the deer fox ran over and jumped in her arms. Licking her face as her mum looked at her sadly.

"Let's take a little trip into Trolberg tomorrow and look around," Johanna insisted. She then looked at Thomas with a hopeful expression. "You think you can give us a tour of the city, Thomas?"

Hearing the beautiful woman ask made Thomas blush. Secretly, he loved the idea of walking around town with Johanna, even if he wouldn't be alone with her. The paranormal investigator smiled at the opportunity to spend time with her. "Uh, yeah! Sure!"

"What?! Mum, no!" Hilda protested, rushing over to her mother and grabbing her arm. "Please, we'll stop the war."

"I know," Johanna said, kneeling down and placing her arms on Hilda's shoulders. "All I ask is that you keep an open mind."

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